Chamber a 6.5prc to 6.5saum or 6.5wsm?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2015
Up state N.Y.
I was just given a mauser m18 in 6.5 prc from a friend, the rifle is extremely accurate. But he had to go way above good max to reach the factory fps.

The rifle only has about 200 rounds through it so it could speed up some, but I was thinking if it didn't. Would any other 6.5s clean up the chamber.

or should I just live with the slower speed, this is just for hunting so I am not looking for long range stuff. But 400-500 yards shots maybe taken.
Do you mean his reloads would not reach the same velocity as factory ammunition shot in his rifle? If so he could try a different powder/primer/bullet combination.
If his barrel is "slow" in both cases then it more than likely will be "slow" in another chambering.
Do you mean his reloads would not reach the same velocity as factory ammunition shot in his rifle? If so he could try a different powder/primer/bullet combination.
If his barrel is "slow" in both cases then it more than likely will be "slow" in another chambering.
I own the rifle now, neither have try factory ammo. He tried a few powders, max book load of retumbo was only about 2720 so the 147 eld-m I believe he went 4 or 5 grains over before he got a little bit harder bolt lift.

He said there was no pressure signs.

I will get a box of factory to try and work up my own loads.
Both the saum & wsm are possibly capable of 100 fps more but ammo/brass availability problems may outweigh that advantage. If the PRC ends up much like the Creedmoor with its marketing promotion, then any brass/ammo problems should never be an issue.
Good luck with your load development.
Both the saum & wsm are possibly capable of 100 fps more but ammo/brass availability problems may outweigh that advantage. If the PRC ends up much like the Creedmoor with its marketing promotion, then any brass/ammo problems should never be an issue.
Good luck with your load development.
Between the two I would choose the WSM for the simple reason that SAUM cases are going to be if not already are a thing of the past. 6.5-284 makes more since to me. Just my 2 cents worth.
Between the two I would choose the WSM for the simple reason that SAUM cases are going to be if not already are a thing of the past. 6.5-284 makes more since to me. Just my 2 cents worth.

It's definitely more of a difficult find because it sells out fast but there are still multiple factory head stamped brass options. The adg saum brass has been great.
The 6.5 Sherman will clean it up. You will have to set the threads back cause the Sherman is shorter.
That's maybe one of the problems. The mauser has a peace for the locking lugs the barrel is threaded and holds that peace in the action. It maybe simple to set back or impossible. I have to get more info.
i vote leave it alone if it shoots. there is a facebook group with GAP. i joined the group, and have learned more about the 6.5 gap, and 6.5 prc. there is a lot of reloading information on there. good luck.
With a 140gn bullet the 6.5 PRC will deliver about 3000fps, maybe 3050 at the top end. Just like a 6.5-284, 6.5 Rem Mag or a 6.5-06 as they are all within a cats whisker of each other for capacity.

With a 140gn bullet the 6.5 SAUM will deliver 3150fps easily, 3200fps at the top end. There are a number of companies now making SAUM Brass, including some headstamped as 6.5 SAUM.

The 6.5 WSM may add 50 fps to the 6.5 SAUM, maybe.
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