So I have been waiting for a SSW wind to hunt a virtually unapproachable spot that I have been patterning a nice buck for past 10 days. Got the wind and got in ok though stepped on 2 yearlings but they ran right direction that wouldn't mess up the set. All going perfect, does feeding, I am in a deadfall in a field island 30 yards from edge that has about 10 rows of beans left and completely oblivious to the deer. Wind perfect. Hear deer coming in woods, see rack coming. Freaking awesome when a plan comes together.!!
I had shut off text but forgot to shut everything off switch on edge of phone. My wife is watching granddaughters and on way home and had brain fart when she called me.
So I have several does feeding on beans 20 yards or so and buck is maybe 50-60 in woods and can only see rack through brush.
My home made cell ring tone is The Who "Who are you who who, Who are you who who who, Who are you?
So the does froze like WTH was That? Deer in woods took off like runaway D9 bulldozers. The does then tried to carefully tippy toe away until woods then another round of runaway D9 dozers.
Wife says: Sorry, brain fart and knew you were hunting.
Me2, the setup was perfect, uh huh. "My fault" for not shutting off ringer. Yep!
Merry Christmas
I had shut off text but forgot to shut everything off switch on edge of phone. My wife is watching granddaughters and on way home and had brain fart when she called me.
So I have several does feeding on beans 20 yards or so and buck is maybe 50-60 in woods and can only see rack through brush.
My home made cell ring tone is The Who "Who are you who who, Who are you who who who, Who are you?
So the does froze like WTH was That? Deer in woods took off like runaway D9 bulldozers. The does then tried to carefully tippy toe away until woods then another round of runaway D9 dozers.
Wife says: Sorry, brain fart and knew you were hunting.
Me2, the setup was perfect, uh huh. "My fault" for not shutting off ringer. Yep!
Merry Christmas