CCI BR2 at natchez

I gave in and ordered 5000 of the Ginex LRP. Reviews on those primers were decent although some folks say they run a little oversize. Well when I received them they looked really high quality so I went ahead and ordered 5000 SRP to go with them. I didn't have to have them but I figured why not stock up on them while they were available. LGS has BR2 in stock for $15.00 per 100 :eek:. I am starting to think it may not get much better for a while, if ever. The war in Europe is consuming a lot of materials and components IMO and a lot of price gouging going on.
WOW just got 5 bricks @ $17.00 per Brick. These are pre Clinton days!
Yeah, I'm lucky too to have decided to buy wayy more primers than needed, just to avoid lot to lot variation. I wonder if those days will ever return. Suspect not, but I think prices will come back down some and availability will stabilize.

Reality is, lot more shooting going on these days, domestic and military, yet the manufacturers are not interested in building capacity since new facilities cost tones of money and future demand is really hard to judge. Much of current demand is political . If things cool down both on the domestic and international fronts, millions invested into a manufacturing plant are lost.
Yeah, I'm lucky too to have decided to buy wayy more primers than needed, just to avoid lot to lot variation. I wonder if those days will ever return. Suspect not, but I think prices will come back down some and availability will stabilize.

Reality is, lot more shooting going on these days, domestic and military, yet the manufacturers are not interested in building capacity since new facilities cost tones of money and future demand is really hard to judge. Much of current demand is political . If things cool down both on the domestic and international fronts, millions invested into a manufacturing plant are lost.
Especially if this administration is hell bent on having law abiding citizens from doing what they love!
Without using anything other than cci's in 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500's I have no input on any fed's, win, rem or whatever's out there including br type. Being forced into something new against proven is costly as the last time I purchased a volume of primers were still costing 4.5 cents/per delivered. Maybe hindsight would've been good! Even in the midst of jumping into the 7-8 cents/per kept me from doing so as many fed primers were available and not cci.