I was in Russia when it first opened to the West in the early 90's negotiating contracts for sporting arms and ammo. Each ammo plant has its own hunting lease. One night we were at the lodge after completing a big deal and I was talking with the manager of the hunting club about hunting кабана (Russian Boar). Bob Jensen asked how big the boars were. The manager said, "Oh, 500 kilos or so." I translated for Bob. He thought for a minute and said, "My God, that's a thousand pounds!" The manager, said, "Да, очень опасно!"
"Yes, very dangerous."
I was hunting primarily with a bow during that time, so I told the manager I wanted to come back and hunt the boars with bow and arrow. He stopped, looked at me and said, "Ты что, тупица? Эти свиньи едят людей!" (What are you, stupid? These pigs eat people!)