Remember when using the expansion chart, that test mediums make or break a test. Nothing causes expansion and/or break up like real bone and flesh. I've seen the chart and would question many of the results. Shooting Times did a big test last year and the tests differ alot from most field experiences. Also, all bullets were the same weight and ONLY applies to that weight bullet in your gun. A good example is the 7mm Nosler Partition, a bullet with a great reputation. But the reputation was made with the 160 gr Partition. Drop down to the 140 Partition and it acts totally different. I've blown up three 140s on big Mule deer. Almost lost one this year due to bullet failure. Talked to Nosler and they say "go to the 150 or 160 gr Partition". The 140 is explosive at 3000 fps and even at 2700 fps. Also, charts don't take into account the bullets BC. Not all bullets fly as fast as others, and impact velocity can greatly affect performance. That is why I like high performance bullets with a known track record in the caliber & bullet weight I plan on using. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif