Case vibration


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Hello boys.
I'm looking for a way to compress more the powder in the case.
The cartridge is 243ai.
Using a 25" drop tube, 50.8g of H1000 enters the case, reaching the shoulder and neck junction.
The bullet is the 105gn Hornady Match.
This recipe, together with the CBTO found, allows me to achieve sub .5moa consistently.
When entering the bullet, obviously a resistance is generated, and also the loss of concentricity, which I want to avoid, compressing the powder more so that there is more free space.
Has anyone tried any type of vibrator that makes the powder kernels fit better?
A friend suggested I try the cell phone vibrators, but I wanted to ask if there was an existing method or device.
Thanks in advance
you can only fit so much in there , before it starts giving you concentric issues, you may be able to help this with a competition seater type die with the supported spring loaded body sleeve , like the redding , forster and such

if you look at , the volume density charts you may find better suited powder

i just pulled hodgdon for basic idea , ( anyone have an updated vmd chart with the r23 26 & 33 numbers ??? ))

i only pulled the top 4 of all the choices because they had the 2900 fps or better

49.0C 49x.0721 (vmd ) = 3.5329 cm2 (( greater volume than h1000))

IMR 8133
50.5C 50.5x.0714 (vmd ) = 3.6057 cm2 (( greater volume than h1000))

46.0C 46x.0713 (vmd ) = 3.2798 cm2

IMR 7977
47.0C 47x.0707 (vmd ) = 3.3229 cm2 (( greater volume than h1000))

or look for some thinner brass ( what brass are you using now ?? ))

snip 243win regular powder choices.GIF
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[QUOTE="or look for some thinner brass ( what brass are you using now ?? ))[/QUOTE]
I am currently using Hornady cases (both 308 and 243 based), but I will receive Lapua cases shortly.
With R25 I use less case volume for the same results (sub .5moa and 3250/3280ps), but I have a lot of H1000 that I want to use.
i have only loaded a buddies reg 243win , so i cant suggest any lighter weight cases if that lapua lets you get any more in there add it to this post,

but that electric tooth brush trick will work ... but once you seat to the powder , that is pretty much gonna be your max

outta curiousity , the rx25 ... still compressed or got you a little room ??
i have only loaded a buddies reg 243win , so i cant suggest any lighter weight cases if that lapua lets you get any more in there add it to this post,

but that electric tooth brush trick will work ... but once you seat to the powder , that is pretty much gonna be your max

outta curiousity , the rx25 ... still compressed or got you a little room ??
With R25 I get less volume, but not much.
I hope to be able to make the case vibrate, and that the grains fit better.
i have always wondered if you could partially seat , so to leave the powder a little loose and roll it horizontilish ( like in a annealer roller pan without the cut out so the round doenst fall out ) so all of the kernels would stack length wise in the case , probably be more efficient with like 7828 or 4831 powders .. not so much with the shorter length h1000 though
i have always wondered if you could partially seat , so to leave the powder a little loose and roll it horizontilish ( like in a annealer roller pan without the cut out so the round doenst fall out ) so all of the kernels would stack length wise in the case , probably be more efficient with like 7828 or 4831 powders .. not so much with the shorter length h1000 though
What I am currently doing is placing the bullet partially, and leaving it for a while, then I finish introducing it.
It costs me the last stage when the increments are of 0.002 "until the desired CBTO is achieved, since the powder is compressed as the bullet enters.
I use the Redding seater with a micrometer, and I turn the case before each stroke.
I will see if with the vibration, the free volume is increased
Just becareful as despite being a safe load and using the tooth brush when u start getting that compressed your seating depths will start to vary and also I have seen seating depth grow with time with loads sitting heavily compressed over night. I try to stay away from compressed stuff as much as possible now and just swap powders.
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