Can't believe it! A Bull Elk tags in Kentucky


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2013
Western Kentucky
My friend text me Saturday and told me I draw a bull tags (firearm) for the first week hunt in September in Kentucky. I would have been happy with a cow tag! I know the hunting is down from what it once was but, my chances for a bigger bull are better. I have been blessed to have killed a few nice bulls in Utah and Wyoming. And realize how tough a good bull will be. But had rather come home with nothing than something smaller than my western hunts. So I went out and brought myself a powerball ticket too. Lol. Feelin blessed!
Good luck - I got this guy there in 2004 when I lived there, from what I gather the hunting is a lot different now vs then, we had unlimited access to old strip mined land and there was hardly any people hunting. Elk weren't spooked at all.

Good luck with your tag, are you getting a guide?
You too.

Yes, I figure chances are, it’s a once in a lifetime tag so I’m going to go with a guide. I have spoke to a few so far that have been recommended so when I get my zone hopefully I’ll have an idea of who to go with.
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