Mr. Backus,
My hat is off to You for constantly maintaining and upgrading this website.
I'm certain that it require's alot of time and capitol. The fact that two major outdoor equipment retail company's have come aboard with offering a commission to whenever member's make a purchase through this website say's alot.
I hunt by all legal mean's for all game in the lower 48. Long Range hunting and shooting happen's to be the favorite. the additional hunting forum's will be well received by the member's, for I feel alot of them share my many interest's as well. The amount of technical information a newcomer can glean from this website would undoubtedly fill volume's, as well as aide the individual
to getting off in the right direction in his / her pursuit of Long Range Hunting.
I have'nt posted very much over the year's due to the fact that 9 time's out of 9 if I were in need of technical information regarding the sport for myself or someone else, researching this website would provide the answer that I was looking for, with other member's already having posted my same question's / concern's, and advice. I've purchased several peice's of support equipment from the classified forum that cannot be purchased from a store, and met a couple of realy nice, like minded individual's doing so.
This website work's for me and it is rather obvious that it work's for 10,000 plus other like minded individual's, thank's to Your passion. keep up the great work !, May You and Your Family, as well as all Longranger's gathered here,