Can someone tell me the value of my nightforce scope?

Idaho Trecker

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
North Idaho
I'm new here and was wondering if there is anyone on here that can help me figure out what my scope is worth. Its been difficult to try and figure out what used rifles and scopes are worth these days with models changing so often. I have a Nightforce NXS 3.5x15-50 with NP-R2. I bought the scope new in 2011. It doesnt have any ring marks or scratches on the body or lenses. My scope has the high-speed turrets but not the zero stop. I'd appreciate anyone who has more knowledge than me to give me an idea what its worth. I have to sell it to help pay for my last semester of school so just trying to figure out what I could expect when I get around to sell it.
Any item is worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. If you present it to a lot of in a way that they can see what you're offering and believe the transaction is safe and honest you'll get top dollar.

If you have an account and some history on ebay or gunbroker or any of the other gun auctions just put it up for sale and you'll get what it's worth IF you make the transaction straight forward and convince buyers they won't get screwed.

This site has a place to sell optics too, but if you have no track record of successful purchases or sales that can reduce the chance others are willing to take.

You can also take it to a gunshow and offer it for sale there. Bring the original box and paperwork.
You have to show the item and make the deal there. Scopes are no hassle to sell legally unlike firearms. I cant tell you what I'd give for it without inspecting it in person. Photos don't tell the whole story.

That said I've frequently bought on line paying 75-80% of new prices on clean used optics. Optics last a long time if they've been treated well. Current price of the equivalent item means more than what you paid for the item.
I spent a lot of time looking for a nice used 5.5-22, so I have some feel for what NXSs were selling for. In good condition, with HS but no ZS, I would guess you can get $1350 to $1450 for your 3.5-15x50
Thanks for the input. That's about the price I was thinking it was close to but I have it listed on another site and the highest anyone has bid so far was $1125 so I was curious. I thought this time of year may be a good time to sell but maybe I was wrong.
With all the treats of Congress banning many types of firearms and ammo a lot of people are spending their money on those. I doubt scopes will be banned. How many dollars you get for your scope is less important than what you can still buy for those dollars.
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I tell you what just cause I like u I'm going to over pay but I'll give you 100.00 for it just to help you out cause I like u
I would say a couple hundred off the new price is what I have seen over the years
Haha good one jeff. @ LouBoyd I do have a Gunbroker account with 100% feedback. I think you would be right on with your assessment of the 75-80% value of new. I'm just new to here not hunting and shooting and thought I'd give it a try after always finding links to this site for questions I have. Thanks everyone
I spent a lot of time looking for a nice used 5.5-22, so I have some feel for what NXSs were selling for. In good condition, with HS but no ZS, I would guess you can get $1350 to $1450 for your 3.5-15x50

I would agree with this probably about 1400 ish.
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