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Can I Have My Country Back, Please?

Ripper, My family and my church want to thank YOU for your service. we pray for the men and women in uniform . You said "I wanted to puke" I agree with you 100% it's sad the we all have to endure what the DEMOCRATS deserve that voted this idiot into office .

I have family members that are sooo bull headed that they still think that the dems are for the working man .

Mr Obama has just signed and passed the 2300 pile of crap that will probably have me hunting a job in the very near future . I happen to work (for now) at a small lending company and it is targeted by big brother in this worker friendly socialist 2300 page pile of crap !! another friend of mine that i go to church with said that his company has 1200 locations thorughtout and they called them all in and warned them that they may not have a jump by the end of next year .......COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME HOW MR OBAMA IS HELPING THE ECONOMY OUT BY TAKING AWAY JOBS ?????????? That's exactly what this bill has done or is going to do !!

"WW3" gun)gun)

God bless you bigbuck and thank you for your support and preyer.

Stay with me I am enjoying a well deserved Friday night jack and coke.

There are very, very few real democrats left... I trully believe that evil does exist when you listen to some of their beliefs... ...What ever happened to the Pledge Of Allegiance and basic preyer in school's. What ever happened to letting your kids go play at the park without having to worry about 15 sex offenders in your area so now you have to strictly monitor them. Your average child now days eats at McDonalds, goes home plays x-box and smokes out with his buddies. My cousins daughter was gang raped at a party and they did nothing about it. His son knew the kids that did it and I can say one thing. If I had a son whose younger sister was raped by boys I would of found them one at a time or all at once and there would of been some serious country *** woopin going on...

I can go on forrrevvvverrrr about this. Being a soldier I gave up a lot of my rights when I signed the line. When I signed that dotted line I swore to UPHOLD and PROTECT the Constitution Of The United States against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Right now our worse enemies are lying from within. Rich banking, oil loving, flag burning, anti gun, anti God, anti CHRISTmas, general anti-USA and I could go even more extreme on how the evil lies. Even in this forum we are restricted to as far as certain things because we could insult someone that's in that "5% now?" that doesn't believe...

It's very disturbing as a soldier to have someone glare at you after spending time away from my family "leaving my wife, 2 sons and 2 daughter's, mom and dad who all saw me off to war" and having one of my battle buddies killed when his head was ripped off by a RPG to come home and find anyone that hates you in such a distasteful manner. Now I know what my dad went through when he came home from Vietnam.

When I was sitting there in my tent sometimes I would think about why I was over where I was and what I was fighting for. The good side of me wants to believe I am fighting for my country regardless of what the mission is I will complete it to the best of my ability and win over the hearts and minds of the people of Iraq and protect their common basic interest. The other side of me "not really the bad side for say" tells me we are over there for the interest of certain people in our country who share the same common interest which always boils down to money's. I asked myself "what is my mission?" Nobody really knew "you should of read the mission statement"... ...A hearts and minds mission is presency patrol through the villages running S.W.E.T mission's and helping the people. This tour I saw a colder reality as to why we spent the time there that we did. We went there for ONE thing. Security for an election... With that being said you can see why a soldier would be upset. To me it was oil security. Is it me or are we fighting in an area where 75% of the worlds oil reserve lies for no real reason? If one thinks long and hard enough about it their common sense kicks them in the chin and says listen you dumb sob; we are here because rich money backing oil lover's said that's where we want to go. As a soldier you I can tell you one thing. No matter what the rank is you are either brainwashed or you are not. I love my country but I am having a hard time listening to my upper chain of command give me a hooah! speech about kicking *** over there when I am know why we are there...

I will leave it at that as I am starting to get upset and I want to limmit myself to 2 jack and cokes tonight.

Im sure that anyone with half a brain is in agreement with you. We have reason to be concerned. VERY Concerned!
If he has ears let him here, and if he has eyes let him see.........hmmmm whats that mean to you? I know what it means to me! Most people are completely blind and deaf to whats realy going on and why.

I think Ripper said it best in his closing words;
''Dont give up on God and country'' The key is to have both or your doomed to fail.
I never locked my doors untill I moved to College. I grew up in a small town, where America is still the best country in the world. The folks are made up of God fearing, church going people, who respect thier elders, and admire the bravery, sacrifice, and intestinal fortitude of those in uniform. Cowboys, and hard work are still common place. Ranchers still recruit the local high school kids to work the bull sales, and everyone hunts. Boys with earrings or long hair are trouble, and dealt with immediately. They adapt or LEAVE! Respect for the girl you date, and her parents and family is still what its supposed to be. And people are self sufficient, and can take care of themselves.
The city was a horrible experience. But it was also a real eye opener. The rest of the world doesnt seem to care about thier neighbor, or who thier decisions effect. Look at California. Its a perfect example of what a cancer does. I truly feel for those few good folks left there. But thats exactly where we are heading if we dont get a handle on this horrible situation we've allowed to exist. I plead with everyone to VOTE, and PRAY. Its our only hope of turning this nation back the way it should be.

Well said winmag!

Without going to deep into religion I will say this. I believe in God and I don't care what church you go to so long as you share the same basic beliefs that every "decent American" should share. If anything; church helps children learn about moral's, value's, respect, integrity, love vs. evil etc. The "dark side" would rather teach... ...It's natural for kids to experiment with drugs; your pregneant? No problem lets go take a trip to second chance or "whatever it's called". "I just looked this up for giggles in NY and found eastsidegynecology.com and they offer abortion's up to 6 months... I don't understand something... ...If you for whatever reason can't have this baby was there a reason why you couldn't take the next day pill before the "Human Baby that is dreaming" is murdered. Ok I need to stop talking about this because my PTSD kicks in and I think about thoughts maybe I shouldn't. Or maybe religiously justifiable...

Last week this country lost over 464,000 "Just say it... ...four hundred sixty four thousand" jobs in ONE WEEK. I don't even feel 100% secure in my job in the Army and it's the most secure job in the world. This is completely unacceptable... ...period. At this rate by 2015 we will be in another great depression?

Is this all really a suprise to anyone? It's like he posted above: "If he has ears let him here, and if he has eyes let him see".

A very famous quote taken from the bible. I would like to say I see and hear very well and some understand this and some do not. It is so obvious that it is right under our noses and some will see it and some still cannot...

I will say that history has a strange way of repeating itself. Preventable or not...

- Attack on Pearl Harbor. What all happened following this...

- Attack on twin towers. What is happening following this...

Bottom line... Nobody knows what is going to happen over the next few close years except the man. I can say that some of us who share very similar moral values need to come together when the time is right and stand up for what we believe in...

I think I will go watch Braveheart now as I am getting myself all worked up and I need to let some out.

YouTube - Braveheart End

God bless,
More and more folks are becoming aware of just what's happening...I can only hope enough wake up before it's too late.
Heard a great quotation the other day:

"This country is strong enough to survive one fool, like obama, but I don't think it can survive the multitude of fools that voted for him in the first place."
Heard a great quotation the other day:

"This country is strong enough to survive one fool, like obama, but I don't think it can survive the multitude of fools that voted for him in the first place."

That is a great quotation !

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