Caming press

Ready to have that bench reorganized?
I know, right. My wife the type thats going to make her voice heard. I just wish it was on the pollical side and not addressed to me 99% of the time. But then again, I couldn't do me with out her. If I could do it all over again. I just wish I'd found her sooner.
I don't set mine up according to lee's instructions, I use the J. Valentine method that comes up in most searches on lee collet neck die adjustment from Benchrest Central. Less collet lines in the neck and less pressure to size, find it and read it, this guy put some time into figuring it out. Its a case of lee making a very accurate and concentric neck sizer, but not explaining how to adjust it properly at all. I was ready to give up on the first one I bought till I stumbled into the different adjustment method, now I have a collet neck die for every cartridge I load for. Too much pressure and you will remove the alum. cap without screwing it off as mentioned in other posts. If you can't find it PM me and I'll send it to ya :)
That was a Great Read: Thank you for sharing. I have used a Lee collect die from day one of my reloading adventure. A must have die for concentric ammo.
I haven't seen a bushing die yet, that can compare to it. One thing about it though, It is a delicate die, and until now I never heard of some one blowing the cap off of it. LOL. Over camming depends a lot on the press that is being used, and the understanding of the press that is being used by the operator. I'll stop there, You know what I mean. LOL
7stw is right, some of us have a press designed to cam fully over with all dies, some do not and have to be more careful. The RCBS Summit I now use is a cam over press. That along with the shell holder movement and side/fore and aft movement changed my world and got me loading straighter more concentric cartridges.

I know there are some that don't believe concentric ammo is necessary or any more accurate..........I find I'm never swayed by debate when compared to real actual hands on results and experience with something. When I talk about collet/mandrel neck dies, press movement to help align cartridge to die, camming over with dies, removing spindles and expander ball's and rotating the cartridge several times when seating its because they have all worked together for me..........if it just plain works I make it a part of my reloading process.

At the same time I have changed from neck sizing only and incorporated a full length sizing step, also really changing the way I flash hole deburr if at all as well. I never intend any offence just one persons way of doing it. It's what makes this site great! :)
Brother if it's working for you, and your POI on target is what your aiming for.
Sounds like your doing everything right to me.
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