Buying a scope...overwhelmed by the possibilities


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2008
Background...I'm not a new shooter, and this sure ain't the first scope I've bought. There didn't used to be some many options...

Purpose of the scope...The rifle is a (FN) Winchester model 70 (30-06) project that will be in a McMillan stock in about 15 more weeks. I've been looking at 3-12x and 4-16x (not intersted in an objective bigger that 44mm), mostly for scanning fields on low power...but I also want to be able to use it in the woods if necessary. (either 3x or 4x will do)...I guess you could call it a medium range idea of the perfect general purpose workhorse rifle.

The rifle as it is now...I HATE that stock...its too thin everywhere, just doesn't fit me at all...not even my hand! Thats a 5 year old Nikon Prostaff on there now, that scope has been on several rifles in its life...its a good scope for what it is, but I want a bit more magnification and parallax adjustment.

Max range will be 600 yards...which can be done just fine with a 9x, but seeing antlers on a deer that is in the treeline at 600 yards with 9x can be another story altogether.

I'm just sorta stuck though...trying to decide which to get, many to choose from...I myself have had better luck with Nikon than Leupold in the past, not knocking the Leupy's...just stating my experiences. That said, most of my scopes have been in the $200-$300 range...

I'm not real crazy about the large diameter eyepiece on the Monarch scopes though...that has me wondering about clearance for bolt lift...I don't want to raise the scope up any more than I absolutely have to (higher rings).

Leupold just doesn't offer what I'm after (in the $400-$500 price range)...I like side focus.

I've been looking at Sightron (SII's) and Vortex (Viper HS)...

I need help here...I was hoping you guys could give me some experiences with these scopes, or any others with similar specs and price (no more than $600...preferably less)

100 yard 3 round group...reloads, but not worked up for this rifle...just a load I picked (168 Nosler Ballistic Tip, 58 grains H4350)...I shot this off shooting sticks, prone may have made it a little tighter. The new stock once bedded may shrink it a lil too...the stock I have ordered is McMillans "Winchester Supergrade" model, the color is marbled with olive, black, and tan (33%-33%-33%)...that color reminds me of a ghillie suit, its not really pretty but I thought it may be functional.

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And since I got fussed at for scanning fields with a scope on THR....I hunt private land that belongs to my uncle (640 acres), nobody else hunts there besides me, my wife, and my son...

I'm not out there sweeping other hunters with a loaded be honest, I didn't know it was considered bad form by some...I've never had to hunt crowded woods...and I'm thankful for that.

Remember the on, finger off the trigger until ready to fire. :)

I don't have any experience with Sightron but hear they are great. I have a Vortex Viper 6.5-20X44 on a 260 Remington. I only paid about $300.00 from Cameraland and the scope has suprised me for the money. I just bought it to get me by but now I think I will keep it. It tracks well and the glass is pretty good. I have shot that rifle out to 830 yards with that scope on it. Vortex has great customer service and is a good buy for the money.
I just ordered a Vortex Viper HS 4-16x44 with the V-Plex reticle...last minute decision on the reticle, but I thought the BDC reticle may be a little too thin for a general purpose hunting reticle...besides, I been using kentucky windage all this time...why stop now?
If you are looking for a really good scope for under 500 bucks, I wouldn't look any farther than the Vortex Viper 6.5-20 x 50 PA, although you can get the 6.5-20 x 44 for even cheaper and it works just as well. It's lower end than the HS series, but the glass is excellent. It the best scope I ever used. And I have had several different Leupolds. It even beats out my Zeiss conquest (which also has excellent glass. The Vortex warrantee is the best in the business.
The deal is done for me...when the new stock arrives (appx. October) rifle will be finished.

Well...I still need some 30mm rings...its always something, LOL!
Hello to all. I'm almost in the same situation as ridgerunner. I have shot leupold almost my whole life, I've had a few differant,but mostly leupold. I just can't afford them anymore. I resentley bought a Burris 3x9x50 an I'm really impressed with it. I had a bad exsperiance with Nikon but everyone I've talked to really like them. Does Burris have a top turrent for long yardage? I've heard of vortext,nightforce,etc. I'm just trying to get the most for my money. Any help would be welcomed. Thanks!

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