The whole sorting thing is revealing.
First ya sort 'em by weight and learn how many fall into a given weight.
Then ya scratch the ol noggin and group some of the weights together.
Then ya say, hmmmmm, the outliers will be for pressure testing.
Then ya learn that bearing surface length is proportional to weight. Hmmmmmmm, need a better/faster/easier bearing surface length gizmo.
The next experience is lets shoot some groups. Hmmmm all weight groups shoot pretty well. Hmmmmmm
What next, ...........lets shoot one from each weight group. Hmmmmm, didn't shoot too bad. Good enough for yotes way out there.
Hmmmmm, if I skip all of this sorting stuff, groups open maybe as much as a half MOA at any distance which makes the worst groups under 3/4 MOA.
Hmmmmm, I bagged all of that effort and load for very low ESs....... Works for me so far.
But, I'm about to start shooting a mile which may change my thinking. Maybe quite a bit......