Bullet seating die

A vote for the RCBS match/micrometer. Throwing the bullet in the top is sweet!

Also, you can buy the stems and collars separately, so one body can run a bunch of different cartridges on the cheap.

The only issue to be aware of is they are "tall", and require a tall shell holder for short cartridges, and may not work in progressive presses, like a Dillon, as you can't screw them in far enough.

With my RCBS, and presumably any micrometer style, you can make an index mark on the press/lock ring, and record the micrometer setting for a particular recipe. When you swap them in/out, you can get them back to desired CBTO within a thousand or two on the first try. For example, I can go from a 175 ELDX to a 180 ELDM, or from 30-06 to 300WM, with only one "test" seat between changes.
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