Will do, and thank you! I definitely try my best to keep it non partisan, but I do have my own preferences and I like to at least share those for whatever they're worth, and why. I try not to push them on people though lol.
I think after all this amazing support and bullets I have coming my way right now, it's probably best to pause on accepting any more until I can take an inventory after they all arrive. I'd hate for people to send duplicates and part with any bullets they don't need to (not that anyone needs to in the first place, but hopefully you get my meaning).
You all are amazing and I can't think you enough. It's quite humbling. I'll get everything done just as fast as I can and get the results posted regularly. Hopefully when I get most everything on the list in the OP, I can post one big thread with all of them. I'm not sure how that'll look, but I do plan to put it all in my book I'm working on too so it's all in one neat place that's hopefully easy to go through. We'll see how that goes too though lol.
Thanks again everyone!