Good for you. Try to get time when you can. When my son was 2 I was working 70 hours a week trying to save for a house for my young family, and finally succeeded 10 years later when he was 12, but there was no money for hunting and only for occasional target shooting. Now my son just turned 40 last week, and I still haven't done any real hunting to speak of, and am set to retire in a few months at age 69, after 52 years of work, with the last 40 spent staring at a computer. I hope to get to the range a lot more after retirement, and maybe finally a few hunts, (but obviously not while in my prime!). Grab as much as you can now, it goes quick, and there's always some (sometimes legit, sometimes BS) reason your wife will give why the money you earn and save has to go for something "more important."
Anyway, I see your profile says you're on the Central Coast? Salinas here.