Brass Trim Length Question

In reality if you use a .222 Mandrel and your cases are .2215 you are going to end up with .2215 because of spring back. But it will straighten any case mouths that are not perfectly round. This is how I prep all new brass.
So I am good to do that and have enough neck tension, correct? I'm new remember. :)

That was my plan with these cases as well as always. I plan to bump shoulders back with use of Competition Shell Holders and Kleinendorf tool to check in the rifle till the bolt closes with little force (say 3/4 down). Then run mandrel to open necks back up to .222. With spring back I should be .002-.003, correct?
Stress? My finger nails were gone a week ago already. All I have left are nubs. LOL

19 Badger I may need you to talk me off a ledge again. Haha

The more I try to learn, the more confused I get.

correct , I do run my new brass through my full length die . new brass is way undersized so the full length die does not size any more , it only makes sure it's round for ease of chambering .
I once bought 100 rds. of 270 Win. (Norma) that would not chamber in a stock 700 Remington 700 barrel until I ran them through a full length die. It pays to check them in your chamber before loading.
For new brass, I've been FL sizing them prior to any loading. Just a habit I got into years ago. I don't do any "cam over" on the sizing just screw the die to touch the shell holder. Then I do the rest of the initial prep, chamfer and deburr the case moths and flash holes. With the exception of Lapua ADG and other brass suppliers which are superb but a bit pricey, this is my routine.
I would run them through your full length resizing die, shoot them through your rifle, "then"
full length resize the brass again, and then trim your brass to the shortest length of all your brass. I always mandrel neck size. After a second shooting I would then look for a shoulder bump and adjust your die accordingly
Lube the inside of the neck slightly with a nylon brush with come case lube or imperial wax.....lightly! Run them over the expander button, then chamfer. Try about 6-12 in your gun to make sure they chamber ok and if they do, load them with a mid range load, seat the bullets .010-.015 into the lands and shoot them. No need to trim them yet....they are already .009-.014 shorter then max. Shoot them until the longest one is near max length (1.760) and then trim and re-chamfer when necessary. Since you have so many cases, I would segregate them by length getting 50 in a box that were all close to the same then work them as needed.
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