BOTW Rangefinder


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Bismarck, ND
Anyone hear anything about Best Of The West's rangefinder they have coming out. Supposedly upload your bullet info into the thing and will take into account range temp pressure and angle and will display your dope.
I too have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Last post I remember reading Aaron or Mike commented that they'd have them out this summer. Sounded like it was going to be set-up for their turret and not give MOA output. Hope I'm wrong though.

Come on boys. Someone might beat you to the punch and then how many will you sell?
There is one in Cabelas shooting catalog. Cant remember who makes it. I think it is featured on the back cover. Im not home now so I cant be more specific.
I talked to them yesterday. Their range finder has been delayed again until at least the first quarter of next year and as you might expect this is not firm.
Well i guess I'll just buck up and buy a Swarovski, I doubt it will have the same ranging ability and I heard that the BOTW one was going to be around $1500 or so
I bought a swarovski myself, and it is awsome. I have ranged lots of things in the 1800yard range. Before this I got around using a Leupold RX-II, I can't think of many situations where you would need more power than the swaro, and that's already factoring in you being a vastly better marksman than me.
yea there is no doubt that it would take unbelievable amounts of research development and being able to find a company that can build a product that meets swarovski's standards to compete with a range finder like the laser guide. It might not have all the fancy features but it is designed to do what it does best and that is range and extreme distances.
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