bob beck

ann brezinski

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
i like this hunting you as readers of this forum feel it is a great place for on tv info on long range shooting ?how do myou feel about the other long range shows?
gary b
yes it is a serious ?
i see more and more of this but not being aroud people hunt this way i was just asking i am not trying to affend any of you great hunters out there.i was told a long time ago shooting long range hunting and long range benchrest shooting go hand in hand.the people at the pa club were the first i think to make a sport of shooting at a target out of hunting deer and groundhogs at long pardon my asking this type of ?!
I can tell that his LR school is very good. I have done it twice and have a few of his rifles. Everything is top notch and I can strongly endorse the school and rifles.
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