Two years ago myself and another friend hunted a huge Ag. field bordered by a twenty yard wide ,but deep creek. Other side was a big $$$ hunting lease. They didn't shoot does to the Ag fields owners request.
We were asked to eliminate them. Which we did, on a wholesale basis. In five weeks we killed 43 deer. Mostly does, with a couple of good bucks thrown in.
All this being said the coyotes knew when they heard shots coming from our side of the creek ment gut piles. They would show up when we were gutting them. Shine a light out in the field and they were setting and waiting for us to pack up and leave. Sometimes as many eight of them, just setting on the butts watching from twenty yards away.
The lease owners were not pleased with us in the least. Game wardens were called more than once. But after they checked us out those calls went in answered afterwards. I miss that place.