AND parked in the high school parking lot. I remember one day when we all got detention. High school was on the edge of town. There was a big blackbird roost close by. Several of us went in early and pass shot them in the parking lot. Completely safe, we were shooting straight up with small shot. We thought it would be good practice for ducks. The crime? We didn't pick them or the hulls up and put them in the trash. Granted, there were a lot of them. We were busted. Had to pick them all up after school and then sit in the library for a couple of hours... Worst punishment ever! It was during the opening week of duck season and the practice did no good. Instead of getting out @1:30 and going to shoot ducks, we all had to stay @ school until 4:30. Back then, adults knew how to make the punishment fit the crime.
Years ago on my first trip to Canada it was the same way. Now, it is the same as it as it here, without the self defense laws we have. We need to go back to those days. We don't need to more of what this world is becoming.