blackpowder hunt


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2011
Creswell, Or
I just got back from a hunt in northeast oregon hunting whitetail. My brother and I chased a couple nice bucks around for 2 1/2 days on the ag land with no luck but he did get a shot at one of them but had a hang fire. We decided to go look for some others that we had seen a few days prior. After waling around in the timber land for about an hour I spotted this guy about 40 yards away. The only shot that I had was about a 10" hole through the branches and in the neck so I took it. He is a lot bigger than I thought. The gun I shot him with is a Bedford 50 cal long rifle I built last winter.


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Way to go and nice rifle. Glad to see more old traditional rifles. It is what Muzzleloading is suppose to be about.
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