Binoculars for hunting and scouting

They are still beyond his price range. How do they compare with Vortex Razor HD?

They do have some that would be in his price range just not this model. We decided that they are very comparable to the razor maybe a touch better, but cheaper

That's my humble opinion, and I'm not trying to starting a debate;)
Hi there,
I am looking for budget binoculars for hunting.
I'm considering few and come down to these 4:
(I have been looking for binos under $200)

○ Athlon Neos G2 HD 8x42 ($113)
○ Carson VP 8x42 ($145)
○ Wingspan Phoenix Ultra HD 8X42 ($180)
○ Wingspan Optics Skyview Ultra HD 8X42 ($180)

If there is some binos you would consider instead I would be grateful for that.
Must be crystal clear and sharp.
Water and fogproof
I just got a pair of Athlon Midas Gen2 12x50 for $350 off Ebay. I've looked thru many binos over the years. "Zeiss, vortex, Alpen, Leupold. These are the clearest glass I've ever seen!! We have also changed riflescopes from vortex to Athlon! Love their quality!! Spend another $150!!
There are no budget binoculars. You get exactly what you pay for. I had a pair of Vortex ( price was about €500). I was in a position to get a pair of 8x42 Range Finding Swarovski (€2800) . Is there a difference in quality? the Vortex were good the Swarovski are superb.
Cheapest bins I would consider are the introductory Vortex or similar established brand.
If you only have $120 it will be more use in your wallet than what you will buy.
I just got a pair of Athlon Midas Gen2 12x50 for $350 off Ebay. I've looked thru many binos over the years. "Zeiss, vortex, Alpen, Leupold. These are the clearest glass I've ever seen!! We have also changed riflescopes from vortex to Athlon! Love their quality!! Spend another $150!!
I thought I was buying good binos when I bought the Vortex Razor HD. Better than many, but I was disappointed when I was in the field.
I believe you don't have to pay a lot for good glass scope.
I am by no means a snob when it comes to brands in optic or other things and don't consider myself a professional in this, but I did graduated from photography school so I know the difference between good and bad glass, I've had both expensive and cheap glass on my camera and both work really, really great. If the item works, great!
I've been hunting for the last 20 years but never had binos, strange yes I know.
I have Vortex Viper 6.5-20x50 ($500-ish) on my .308 Rem700 which is really bright and sharp scope in my opinion,
then I was looking for cheaper scope for my .223 Ruger M77 and came across Chinese scope, the Discovery vt-t 6-24x50 ffp($240).
This Chinese scope is incredible! I cannot see any difference between these two in brightness and sharpness. For a ffp scope this is a joke price. It holds zero well, turrets are audible and good, nothing wrong with it.
So yes, I truly think you can get good scope for less money.

I'd shoot a Viper on a .308 / 700, generally speaking under limited conditions. I would not buy a Chinese scope for $250. No way. But, I was curious and googled up the scope. The discussions seem to center around air rifles. I saw nothing that I would consider credible as to its performance under hunting conditions. As suspected, on the Vortex rates fairly well if you read the comments. The Chinese scope is not sold there. None of the binos you mentioned are rated there.

I do not predict a happy ending here but I wish you good luck.
Here's an option for you. I have a couple different pairs of binoculars and one of them is this model. I've had them for years and they've worked well for me. I bet you could shop around and find a better deal out there too.

Not everyone needs a $1000 pair of binos and I have no problem using the Nikons even though I have high end optics available.
Speed the money and get a good set of binoculars something like 10 x 50 with a tri-pod mounting attachment. That way you can sit down and glass with the binoculars are being held stationary and move with the handle to move the bino. Individual eye set up. If you hunting with somebody else and you find a animal bedded down you can fix the bin on that position. Then you can tell the other person where it's at and not loose the spot. When I was young I could walk all over the mountains, and kick all the game out of there. Learn to get a good spot and glass the mountains until I spotted game then set up to stock that animal or let it stay in place. You are looking for a needle on whole mountain and the better the glass the easier to see the animal. Above 10 power get a little hard to steady hand holding. Generally you will see more game by getting a spot sit down and glass than bounding over the ground. Let the glass do the walking.

"Let the glass do the walking" Let the weapon do the talking. :)
Here's an option for you. I have a couple different pairs of binoculars and one of them is this model. I've had them for years and they've worked well for me. I bet you could shop around and find a better deal out there too.

Not everyone needs a $1000 pair of binos and I have no problem using the Nikons even though I have high end optics available.

Well rated (other sites beyond eBay) and you respected the OP's price point. 👍
A few of years ago I bought a set of Steiner 10x42 XC binoculars that would fall into your price range. They are solid binoculars for the price and I have no issues recommending them at all. I used them daily with no complaints up until this year when I decided to purchase a set of Leica Ultravids. I keep the Steiner binoculars in my pickup now...not bad for $219 plus shipping at the time.
"You can't shoot what you can't see and you should not shoot at what you can't see clearly" Buy the best optics you can even if you have to get on the payment plan. Alpha glass scopes and Binos can often be found on E-bay at very good prices!
"You can't shoot what you can't see and you should not shoot at what you can't see clearly" Buy the best optics you can even if you have to get on the payment plan. Alpha glass scopes and Binos can often be found on E-bay at very good prices!

That statement is true, but it also discourages shooters with a specific budget from getting into the sport. A decent pair of $200 binoculars will work just fine for the average hunter in most situations. For me personally, I'm purely a meat hunter. If I can properly identify a deer or elk as a legal animal, then the bino's have done their job. If you're trying to gauge trophy quality then the higher resolution of the more expensive optics makes sense.

There's a time and a place for top quality equipment and some folks just aren't in a position where they want or need to spend $1000+ on that gear. I've had a Terrapin LRF for about 6 years now, but typically carry a much less expensive Leupold LRF when I'm hunting just because I don't need to range to 2500 yards while I'm out there. Likewise, I'm comfortable leaving a pair of the Nikon ATB binos in the back seat of my truck so they're always there. I'd never leave the Leica's back there for months on end! Same goes for scopes, rifles, cars/trucks, and all other gear.

Buy the best gear you can comfortably afford and just take good care of it. I'm not going into debt just for a hobby.
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