Big Horn Mountains canyon scene

Brings back memories, Back in 1985 I traveled across the US in a Toyota 4 WD pickup and were in I believe it was Buffalo and decided to take a logging road across the range. Somewhere along the way we found a dirt road and traveled that for a ways in my 4WD and ended up in a nice little camp site. I threw my hammock up between the trees and went to sleep. My buddy had set up a tent to sleep in. The next morning we had three moose in the creek next to our campsite, one bull and another a cow and a smaller one. We crept up on them by standing still whenever they looked up and walking when they went back to eating. We got in to about 30 yds of them before they spooked.
Later that day when we drove off the mountain, right at the bottom of this long downward grade here is a guy w/ a clipboard and wanted to know what we thought of the steep descent. Totally caught us off guard, I mean there wasn't anything around or even seen a vehicle since the day before. We had a good laugh with that one.
Sure was beautiful though.

My wife and I just returned from a week in Wyoming and really enjoyed it.

This is a scene in the Big Horn Mountains of northern Wyoming.

Notice the lines emanating from the upper right and lower left corners. This strengthens a composition.

The cattle are placed in the lower right corner for added interest.

Normally the exposure range in a shot like this is a challenge. In this case I used High Dynamic Range (HDR) processing software to make the image display about like how my eye saw it.

nice photo. It about 45 minutes from my house. sheridan wyo. Hunt near this area, elk and deer. yes this is beautiful country!
wyoming4x4, I envy you!
it took a lot of work and effort to make this small dream come true getting here. I normally bowhunt this area, actually just west of this canyon and south on the western face. now i'm getting into some long range shooting and found this site. workin a 7mm RUM for now and see what happens. Will drop some photos in on some of the sites and animals I've photographed over the yrs. Not sure if the bighornes are heaven but i sure looks pretty close to me. Been a world traveler and this is were i settled down, sheridan wyo the past 10 yrs.gun)
Sheridan, WY - 'lived there for 2 and a half years. -A lot to like - but there are some A-holes there... The pros n cons of wherever you live... :)

7mm RUM reviews - Google Search=


Pros: Proven, Proof Positive - The 7mm Ultra Mag

Cons: 7mm Rem. Ultra Mag
Hello lefty and i agree also but their are a holes everywhere. I don't even waste my time on these people. I keep steppin forward and do what i do best. get things done and live my life. Might inspire a few people along the way. mountain lifestyle isn't a bad way to live. bighornes are some nice mountains and not a bad place to end up. Buried my best dog on this mountain. bubbles and the bighornes we discovered the bighornes together and now she has passed on. probably some of the best times in my life. my fellow shooters ya'll have a good day!
Here's another decent (not my best) Big Horn photo via the GoPro mounted to the dash of my Ranger 900.

Note- It looks WAY better on a wide screen :D


  • Camping 06-2013 (50).jpg
    Camping 06-2013 (50).jpg
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Some of my Wyoming and Mt. Rushmore photos.


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