Big Green to Close Plant in NY

I can't believe it took this long. States that are unfriendly and very expensive to do business in are losing more and more businesses. The migration of residents and businesses out of these states will deepen the financial difficulties due to lost tax revenue, yet they just keep doubling down on stupid policies. I feel sorry for the residents that have to stay.
New York State is not friends to any Conservative, Free Enterprise and especially any Firearms manufactures. They want anything to do with Firearms/Ammo/Accessories to shut down.
Can't believe that any manufacturing is done in the NE Liberal States. Most of it is in China now.
Thats the answer to most Firearms Manufactures moving, but the Unions have a lot to do with it also. Highest costs in manufacturing is LABOR. Looked what happened to Winchester a few years ago and them selling out to Browning and moving to another Union Free State.
What a SHAME. USA the BEST People, Technology, and Resources all being gone to other Countries because of Politics. (Politicians lining their pockets with our Tax paid monies and monies from foreign governments).
This is all you need to know about the article

New York State is not friends to any Conservative, Free Enterprise and especially any Firearms manufactures. They want anything to do with Firearms/Ammo/Accessories to shut down.
Can't believe that any manufacturing is done in the NE Liberal States. Most of it is in China now.
Thats the answer to most Firearms Manufactures moving, but the Unions have a lot to do with it also. Highest costs in manufacturing is LABOR. Looked what happened to Winchester a few years ago and them selling out to Browning and moving to another Union Free State.
What a SHAME. USA the BEST People, Technology, and Resources all being gone to other Countries because of Politics. (Politicians lining their pockets with our Tax paid monies and monies from foreign governments).
Sad thing Remington offered the former jacka$$ that bought his way to governorship their plant and facilities to help assist with the goby's Covid culling and were denied!
Praying for the families the move will affect. Hope RemArms finds a way to transition all who want to stay with them a place at the new facility if they can.
Same here. 🙏 These workers and their families are effected the most. If the workers get a chance to move with the company to GA they will have good living conditions with Taxes and the price of housing. Hope they get moving packages.
A different situation but I also just experienced losing my job with Georgia Pacific closing the Foley mill. Came out of nowhere…was just told by plant management a month prior we were the most profitable mill GP owned. Paid out bonuses to everyone and had a big steak dinner for every employee. Got hit head on with a hurricane (zero damage to the plant), back up and running 8 days later, but they were able to walk away from every contract they were in without being in breach of anything due to laws on the books since the governor declared it a natural disaster (which he had to to get all the federal assistance going for impacted families). It sucks when something happens out of your control. It can take a toll on a family. So my heart goes out to everyone impacted. It's more than just the facility too.. all the supporting business partners and local economy will feel it.

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