Big changes


Active Member
Dec 14, 2020
I am 57 years young. Been hunting and shooting since mid 70s. Reloading since mid 80s. Grew up in east Texas where a 100yd shot was long and a lever 3030 was the king. Hunted a few years in west Texas where 500 yrds are norm, usead a 308 winand since I shot a lot very rarely mised. I bring this because after scrolling thru this forum I see things have changed and wow what a difference. But I also see that no matter what you are shooting , experience is the best teacher,yes some of the new rounds make a 1000yrd shot easy . But range time is to me the most important.. good to see changes. I hope you guys keep on posting because I am enjoying reading about the new rounds. Thanks
Trigger time is most important. Doing so under field conditions/positions, similar locations, and varying winds are the best teachers. Vast difference between range time and real world hunting scenarios. Both have their place. Lots of students do great at shooting schools because they have mastered the basics of shooting and are then paired up with someone familiar with the local winds. The students learn a lot, but may not be able to make the wind calls themselves. This too takes practice and varies from location to location.
I will always have a 308 in the safe, when I want to work on my wind reading I pull it out. A 308 is a lot less forgiving on wind calls and after shooting it and going back to a 6.5 it is like cheating. That being said I have killed lots of critters with a 308 and there is defiantly nothing wrong with it I am on my 4th barrel on mine so I have a little experience shooting my old friend.
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