I have and enjoyed the video, great footage. I am a dial up for the conditions kind of guy myself, I am not a real big ballistic reticule or cam fan. Out to a certain distance they are fast and work well, but only to a certain distance. Everyone has their preferances, likes and dislikes as long as they are happy with the results more power to them. There are some really good things to pick up on in the video here is one thing most people don't pick up on. In the opening sequence when they tag the bull elk at 743 yard or so, if you watch carefully for the hit and impact spot you will note it is pretty far back maybe even behind the diaphram. However it is high keeping with their preference for the high shoulder shot and tags the spine dropping him in his tracks. I also have been using the high shoulder shot for years, but until I watched that footage it never occured to me the windage advantage that it provided. I'll explain, I rarely make elevation mistakes usually elevation is spot on. Windage is of course the deal breaker the high shoulder shot allows for some windage room if the elevation is good just like the opening sequence shows. I feel like you need to take your mechanical advantage in windage when ever possible. John makes several good points in the video about practice etc. The only real setback I see is that the uneducated shooter gets the impression that if you get a scope setup like he has that you laz, dial and shoot, we all know there is a little more to it than that.