Beware ! Fake Websites Galore ! Targeting Shooters

David they show to have the same quantity of H4350 in one pond AND 8 pound jugs. Wait, make that the same for ALL powders with 1 and 8 pound offerings, same quantity in stock.
Pretty simple, Google address and see what pasture they reside in or which subdivision? No CC pymt? Yeah, I'm all in. Just use the simple tools we all have to determine if a real business. Heck check the local Chamber of Commerce and or BBB. Just be careful of very similar website naming.

Don't let DESPERATION override common sense.

If you are wavering over send button with sick feeling in gut, what are you doing?
Pretty simple, Google address and see what pasture they reside in or which subdivision? No CC pymt? Yeah, I'm all in. Just use the simple tools we all have to determine if a real business. Heck check the local Chamber of Commerce and or BBB. Just be careful of very similar website naming.

Don't let DESPERATION override common sense.

If you are wavering over send button with sick feeling in gut, what are you doing?
Could just be the onset of Diarrhea!!
If you really want to get scammed try Southern Defense Ammo outta Dallas. Dozens if complaints on them on the net( Redditt) BBB in Texas etc. They will split up an order ship it in two boxes, then charge your CC for double shipping. They also add on phoney " shipping insurance charges with out your permission!
Small time con artists, that when questioned will simply tell you, if you don't like the way we do bussiness; go somewhere ELSE.....
BEWARE OF SOUTHERN DEFENSE.......crooked operation that will lift you!
Not only do we currently have fraudulent websites, there are those taking adds from one website then using the photos to make fake auctions on websites like Gunbroker.

As bad as the crooks are the real scumbags are the Scalpers. If you see someone buy off one web auction then triple the price when they list it on another, CALL THEM OUT.

There's a number of them on GunBroker that buy up hard to find stuff, double the price and re list the items right back on GunBroker. In today's market it's buyers beware.
A few basic things. If it has a dash in its website name it's 99% fake. If it's site name has powder primer in it fake. One quick way to vet a site INITIALLY. Put something in the cart and try to checkout. If they do not take direct credit card it's fake.

In other businesses the search engines police it some but as all the big search engines are anti 2nd amendment they seem to purposelyleave them on and allow them top search hit ratings. There is no way in a commerce site you end up in the top 10 -20 with paying and serious time to do it. The fact these sites almost always rank higher then high vol legit businesses is clear proof it's done with the help of for the most part Google. If they were scamming pixels etc you can be **** sure they would be on page 1000 if not completely pulled from search DB. Google been known to do that especially on YouTube ever since Trump.

Basically you need to stick to the big names or if its a small shop check Google map and the buisness address then call them from a number listed somewhere listed not on the actual website. If they do not list an address and or number it's a scam.
A few basic things. If it has a dash in its website name it's 99% fake. If it's site name has powder primer in it fake. One quick way to vet a site INITIALLY. Put something in the cart and try to checkout. If they do not take direct credit card it's fake.

In other businesses the search engines police it some but as all the big search engines are anti 2nd amendment they seem to purposelyleave them on and allow them top search hit ratings. There is no way in a commerce site you end up in the top 10 -20 with paying and serious time to do it. The fact these sites almost always rank higher then high vol legit businesses is clear proof it's done with the help of for the most part Google. If they were scamming pixels etc you can be **** sure they would be on page 1000 if not completely pulled from search DB. Google been known to do that especially on YouTube ever since Trump.

Basically you need to stick to the big names or if its a small shop check Google map and the buisness address then call them from a number listed somewhere listed not on the actual website. If they do not list an address and or number it's a scam.
My sentiment exactly
These are right there out in the open and Google. Nor law enforcement is doing anything to stop them..
Because, as the shooting community that they are targeting
A few years ago there was a site named "Powders" Valley, it looked like the actual Powder Valley site, it even had their phone number and address. Like most scam sites it showed large quantities of supplies that at that time were nonexistent and only accepted electronic payments. I called Powder Valley, they were aware of the site but couldn't do anything about it because it originated overseas.
It makes sense to target shooters and hunters. The age of the average shooter or hunter is rather high and so statistically they'll get a lot more people that have no idea how the internet works or what to be aware of. It's the same reason the scammers target retirees with the fake anti-virus ads and such. You have the most money and are the easiest to scam.
A few years ago there was a site named "Powders" Valley, it looked like the actual Powder Valley site, it even had their phone number and address. Like most scam sites it showed large quantities of supplies that at that time were nonexistent and only accepted electronic payments. I called Powder Valley, they were aware of the site but couldn't do anything about it because it originated overseas.
There's one for Lapua brass and bullets too.