Best youth experience

I'm not opposed to a Pronghorn hunt, I myself have not harvested one of those either. I just want to make sure my boy has the opportunity to hunt "out west". The game isn't as important as just being out there with him
Another option is whitetail hunts in Wyoming or Montana. Lots of deer and more affordable than many elk hunts. Don't discount west Texas or NM Aoudad as an option too. Very fun hunt high success rates and big country in far west Texas . Cancelation aoudad hunts can be relatively affordable. NM cow elk hunts are generally in the $2500-$3000 range as an option too.
Winning attitude right there. Being with a youngster is fun.
Amen to that and refreshing as well!

One thing from left field to consider would be a "youth hunt" that some of the states put on. With a bit of scouting (I know it's tough to do from out of state) the youngster can have a chance at a buck that will a buck of a lifetime!

I've taken several young dude's on hunts and they've seen and taken some corker bucks.

Just a thunk...

Other than that, a cow elk or any bull hunt tag isn't real tough to cyber scout and put together.
Amen to that and refreshing as well!

One thing from left field to consider would be a "youth hunt" that some of the states put on. With a bit of scouting (I know it's tough to do from out of state) the youngster can have a chance at a buck that will a buck of a lifetime!

I've taken several young dude's on hunts and they've seen and taken some corker bucks.

Just a thunk...

Other than that, a cow elk or any bull hunt tag isn't real tough to cyber scout and put together

Since you have done it, could you share with me what state or states have the youth hunts? You can DM me if you perfer
You should have something in your in box. I'm watching one buck that if he makes the winter and the spring is a wet one will go in the 180 main frame range (Muley) that will be a good candidate for a youngster I know.

I had it in easy range Thanksgiving week, but alas I have enough horns and just wanted a couple young does for the ice box. So I just watched the bruiser cavort his lady friends...:)
Honestly an elk hunt would be my last choice for an enjoyable first time youth western hunt. Unless you have a slam dunk private land hunt lined up it's usually a lot of hiking and seeing nothing until the action happens, if it does at all. Older youth may enjoy that but at 13 I'd be looking for a pronghorn or maybe mule deer hunt with plentiful game and lots of action to keep them interested and much higher odds of success.
Actually in my experience a youth can have a darn good elk hunt (on their own) in the west. Do some cyber scouting and one can get that youngster into elk without much issue.

I do however totally agree that the antelope is the way to start one off if they can draw the permit...if
A pronghorn hunt is the best for a youngster. You will see lots of game, a plus. The country is mostly casual hiking/walking. Recovery is 4x easier due to size. They are good eating. Tags/hunts are generally cheaper. You can camp on your own in many spots throughout the west. too many positives to even compare elk vs pronghorn for a novice...
A pronghorn hunt is the best for a youngster. You will see lots of game, a plus. The country is mostly casual hiking/walking. Recovery is 4x easier due to size. They are good eating. Tags/hunts are generally cheaper. You can camp on your own in many spots throughout the west. too many positives to even compare elk vs pronghorn for a novice...

I know this is a year old thread. But after an unsuccessful either sex elk hunt with my son last year, I'm definitely open to a cow hunt for him maybe even guided or yes a pronghorn hunt would be awesome too. However from what I'm seeing pronghorn tags are very hard to come by without tons of points. Is there a state that youth can get pronghorn tag without preference points?