I know this is a little late just got back on after a long job that took me out of town.
I have two sakos built on the 995 action and the strongest most reliable system I have found is the Warne rings. No base required =less screws=no problems. Make sure and check the rings for alignment. If there is a problem warne is a good company to work with.
I hate to admit this,
The reason I know this is, like a dummy I had removed a set and took them apart and then was interupted. Some how, I mixed one front half with one rear half and though the rings where wrong. I called and Warne had me send them back. They sent me another set same day. The guy called back and told me what I did and I felt like an idiot but they didn't charge me a penny. He was nice and just wanted me to know so maybe I wouln't be a dummy again. I suppose. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif