I'm sorry but I have to ask...............Have you read this thread or even the first post? Where the question suggests a new rifle, A "built" for long range rifle, a first long range but NOT first rifle, A 600 yard or more elk rifle, for a guy who reloads. Who in there right mind would suggest a 308 or even the much better 270 for those purposes under those permitters? I understand some of my perspective may be offensive but I can not help but wonder what the hell are you thinking? Or perhaps more likely, you are offering an opinion without having followed the question. I see this all the time and it is frustrating to watch frankly...............D.ID
Many threads on here seem to be answered with little practical experience or even "internet research"(bad enough most of the time). Leafing around on the computer for 2 hrs seems to make everyone an "internet pro". If you want to be a PRO fine, just dont mislead people with bad advice.
Im not griping about what anyone posted here. To each his own, but 5 yrs ago this was a great place for an old pro to keep up with the newest stuff and for the beginner to learn.
Nowadays its become a great place to have an aneurism if a pro or learn how to wound things if you are a beginner.
I try to not give advice unless its one of my special areas of "personal experience and written research". If not I keep quiet.
Many of the beginers on here like to espouse stuff they read on manufacturers websites as being factual reality when those of us who have killed a critter or two hundred at 1k KNOW its not. Many beginners dont seem to have the sense to be quiet and listen when told about REALITY and not whatever AD they read.
Here and a mountaintop(lotsa emphasis on mountaintop) are the places to learn LRH.
We should all consider that the crappy advice we sometimes give can have these effects:
1 cost $$$$$$ for no reason
2 wound animals
3 cause stress to hunter (have fun with that 308 yer gonna shoot 1550 with)
4 more stress to hunter(what the 308 didnt work so good at 600 when the wind blew the ttsrx into the shoulder)?
5 hunter death (Grizzly)
6 hunter death (overly hot reloads)
7 hunter death (snowstorm hits on the 7th hour you are looking for wounded animal)
8 hunter death (heart attack walking the 23rd mile you chase the 308 hit elk)
This stuff matters to a lot of the people who read it. They read it and then BELEIVE it. Please lets all keep our advice based on reality and experience and less on BULLET ADS.
This rant isnt about the guy DI.d answered. Its about the general QUALITY OF INFORMATION HERE. 5 years ago this was a cool place. Now its just annoying to post here with all of the clueless posters we have,who will argue with someone who really knows thier stuff just because they dont realize we have already been there and done that and got the T-shirt. People give advice on 1k guns all the time while openly admitting never having shot an animal past 300 yds. ***? I noticed when I got back on here recently that a lot of the old timers were gone. NOW I SEE WHY.