Best long range round. 6.5 creed, .260, 6.5x284, or 6mm br?

Another +1 for the savage and .260. I also have a savage lrp .260 that I get 2860 fps and shoots in the .3s with berger 140hvld bullets. By comparison a lot of the 6.5x284 s I see shoot +/- 2950 fps with the same length barrel but with more powder. I went .260 because it was way easier to find on the shelf than the other options if for some reason I lost my reloads. It's hard to go wrong with any of these options. Something to keep in mind is 6.5x284 is a long action based cartridge vs the others being on a short action.
Thank you guys all very much. I was able to learn a lot from all that great info you gave me. I think I'm going to shoot for the Savage Long Range Precision 6.5mm Creedmoore. I believe I'd like the 6 BR better but those rifles are a bit out of my price range (unless the Model 12 F-Class could be found on sale for around $1000?). The LRP rifles I can afford and I think it is a decent compromise.
Thanks, Phillip
i'm confused a little, which is common. this thread was started cfrom someone with a different screen name and pilotphil commented. I think he may have a similar thread.gun)
6mm Competition Match, was banging 8"round ar500 at 1000 yards yesterday, 4-6 times in a row between misses. misses were due to pick ups and let offs of wind, using bipod and squeeze bag off bench at Manatee Gun Range Myaaka City Florida. not bad for a barrel wih 4000 rounds down it.
I have a Savage LRPV in 6BR which I love.

I have a Savage 12V that started as 223 but is now restocked with a 260 Rem I-8 ss match barrel which I love.

I have an old SAKO stock and action barreled with a 26" Bertlein 1-9 twist chambered in Akley 243 AI which I love.

If I had to pick just one, I guess it would be the 260 rem (or one of the equivalent variants) because of the flexibility as a hunter combined with what I believe to be inherent accuracy of the 6.5 bullets.

In the end, you will have to choose. Else wait till your 65 like me and you can find one of each in your closet.

Just an old man musing.
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