CRF action need far more tuning to get them to properly feed, especially if you want it to feed equally well feeding slow vs fast, many will run in a heavy handed way but slow are a mess and vis versa.
I've owned multiple Mauser type action that if you didn't run it just right all the rounds would ratchet out on your boots when you pulled the bolt back.
I've never seen a feed quality difference between a push or a CRF, I've had both do equally stupid stuff and need tuning, I am a fan of tossing one round in and closing the bolt on it without breaking eye contact with your target.
I really like what can be done with the Montana 1999 and the post war Wins, I have pre wars and rebarrel them often but you can do a little more with the newer ones when it comes to cartridge length and having them feed smooth without feeling like you have to slap and rack.