Best bipod for long range shooting

I've been using the Magpul for the past two seasons and I love it. It's light, strong, and easy to adjust. It also accepts Atlas feet if you prefer those over what they come with. I bought mine in a hurry when the store only had the Magpul and Atlas in stock. I wasn't feeling like forking out $300+ for a bipod at the time, so I took a chance on it. No regrets.
Has anybody here used this ckye-pod for hunting/shooting yet? I really like the features that it has, and a little extra height. It's a little on the heavy side and definitely expensive. Looking for users thoughts.
A friend--competition & AMU instructor--has one and I've used it on a Surgeon 6.5 and an AI 338 Lapua. A contender for best; flexible to the extreme and very well made. So too is the Revolution and the Competition Machine (Eliseo) HD. The latter would require some adaptation for most rifles. I'm looking at all three for the future. However, excepting for the compact/portability factor, I use a Henry Remple with my own swiveling mechanism; I can't see that being beat except there's a real challenger there in the SEB Joypod. The last two are really F-Class, but do work well for my use.
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atlas or Harris.

I use both Harris and Atlas in many different version, I'd go with the Atlas cost a little more but well worth it. With that said; the Harris will work they've been working for years., some times it comes down to the random elevation of a semi-precious piece of metal. Good luck
For hunting, anybody using the bog deathgrip. It looks solid, but I haven't acquired yet.
I use a LRA light tactical that I like a lot There are cheap knockoffs that are probably junk but the actual LRA is really good. Never seems to be in stock tho so not sure what that's about. I also use a Harris on rifles that only have a swivel stud. Works fine but not quite as stable.
I used the Atlas the last few years. I had an Evo but just never warmed up to it so it sat in the safe.

This year I took a Ckye Pod triple pull. Yes, it's heavy. But the triple pull will let you shoot from kneeling if you need to. I never got a shot but know I could have used it in nearly any situation other than standing which I would never feel comfortable with anyway.
I am wondering the same thing. I have a Harris and like it a lot. I would prefer to have something with QD mount on picatinny. I don't think Harris offers this, but the model I have sure doesn't. I am looking at an Atlas myself or a Long Range Accuracy F class Bipod. They're big but so is the gun I'll be using.
I have been using the ckye-pod before they were available to the public. I have several, and prefer the triple pull for an "any situation" bi-pod. I have had the Harris, and still do have one with the riflesticks kit on it. Also owned the original atlas, but, unless they have changed them, besides the panning aspect, you can dod the same thing with a Harris. The Ckyepod is not the cheapest by a long shot, but it is well made, highly adaptable, and the most stable bipod I have used, on the precision rifle circuit or in the field.
In my LE sniper school, everyone used Harris, some swivel and some fixed. I personally like the swivel more if I keep it tight. Don't shoot as well with Atlas, really wanted to but I don't. Get what works for you.
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