There's some questionable alchemy going on here. Thinking There's much performance difference in the BC's offered between 140-147's under 500 yards may be an interesting intellectual discussion but it means little to a broadside cud-chewer. We're kinda picking the pepper out of the fly crap. The fear of failure to expand reliably isn't really the portion of the race to first consider. What if your target animal is at 6 or 16 yards vice 600? Will your selected $4 apiece super bullet remain in one piece hitting a shoulder blade or rib-top? Most North American medium and big game is killed under 100 yards. Do you intend to pass on a chip shot at a 7X7 bull so you can try when it's much further away? A whole lot of game for a whole lot of decades has dropped from 5 to 500 yards to core-lokt, silver tip, hot-core and game king bullets. Practice. A lot. Put the bullet where it belongs and all will be well. No sleep lost. Those who would argue otherwise are likely wearing spiderman onesie jammies sipping diet caffeine free vegan Pepsi in their parents basement and have never been elbow deep in an elks digestive tract field dressing the year's red meat. My 2 cents.