Best 3-way Trimmer


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
Hey guys. I'm wondering if anyone here can recommend either the RCBS or Forster 3-way trimmer heads? I have both brass trimmers but only want to buy once so if anyone has any recommendations or stories to tell regarding one over the other I would much appreciate it.

Thanks guys!

I could never get acceptable results from those two or the trim it i used. Slightest variance gave me unacceptable results. I switched to these cheap motorized units, they are separate but work fast with all three.


  • s-l500.jpg
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I use the Forster 3 way for both my .223 and .308 and get exceptional results. My setup utilizes Forster's power case trimmer in my drill press. Once you get everything set, you can trim hundreds of cases very fast.
I too like my Forster. Just watch because the trimmer head is quite large and eats up some of the real estate on the trimmer. My 6.5 mm just fit into the trimmer now (Original).
I use the Forster 3 way for both my .223 and .308 and get exceptional results. My setup utilizes Forster's power case trimmer in my drill press. Once you get everything set, you can trim hundreds of cases very fast.
I use the same set up in 4 calibers can trim/chamfer 10 cases per minute.
Does a very nice job.
I Have't trimmed a case in a long time (since switching to bushing dies and bumping shoulders). Only cases I trim are 223 OFMB and I do that in a lathe with an imdexable trimmer. I do flash holes and pockets though. 3 firings and anneal or toss anyway.
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