I just talked to Bob at EOL about them and he said the bearing surface is .504 compared the .459 for the 180 Hybrid and .462 for the 168. I'm going to order some to make a dummy round for my 7-338 Norma Imp. reamer and see what I come up with for a throat. I may just order my normal 168 throat (.188") and seat them in the case a bit further.
Just to give you an idea of what I did ....to help you crunch your numbers .........
For my 7mm Long Range Hunter wildcat (7mm/338 Norma Imp 37*) I had Kiff do .253" for the throat, (2.9905" from bottom of case head) with the 180 gr Berger Hybrid seated to base of neck with just the boat tail hanging into the case my cartridge oal is 3.507" as seen in pic below, and I have light contact with rifling...... I developed this cartridge with the 195 gr bullet in mind but did not have bullet dimensions to work with and based it on the 180 gr Hybrid seated with zero impact on case capacity (108.5 gr h20) figuring that the 195 gr will be about perfect for this throat set up and cartridge oal, and if the 195 wasn't gonna happen I could still run the 180's ....... the 175 gr Ablr also works perfectly for this throat .......