Berger 338 Tac-Match Bullets on game...


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Anybody tried the new berger 338 hybirds on game? I've scoured the net searching for answers but have always come up short..
My son and I have taken 2 speed goat and I a 6x6 bull, goats where 800 and 550, elk up close and personal


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Thanks guys!!! That's exactly what I've been looking for. Just finished reading the entire thing, links and all. Now I'm convinced I need to give the 2nd gen Bergers a try, since my supply of SMK's are running low. May as well go ahead and order a batch...

sp6x6, I think that pic of the antelope with its side opened is a good indication of what the bullet will do to the whitetails around here. Since they are similar in size. Gotta try it out before our season closes Jan. 1st.
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