Bergara Barrel for TC Pro Htr Question

My personal experience with Bellm (Mike and Kurt) has been very very positive. I have had Mike build several barrels (custom and rechambers) over the years (Contender and Encore; and, including his relatively recent introduction of Bergara). Mike has probably forgotten more about TC firearms than I will ever know. but from building a 222 Rem Mag Imp for my wife to shoot following her shoulder surgery to 358 Bellm for elk hunting I could not be happier. Now, that said, if you are getting .25 MOA at 100 yds with factor Encore 50 cal barrel, I might ask why change as in my book that is outstanding. Best of luck to you, but Mike and Kurt are top shelf in my book.
You can buy a breech plug made specifically for BH 209 from the makers of the powder, Western Powders. It costs less than 30 bucks and comes with a drill bit and holder for cleaning the channel.
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