Benefit of Cerakote? HELP!

Mine is a Falcon coated Defiance.Bolt and action.I asked for it,has 220 rounds and is worn in.I hunt in alot of snow and rain and glad I had it coated.
Thanks for the reply HG, it is a CZ 550 magnum action, not as tight as a custom action. I will have to check on the clearance.
Would you media blast the entire inside of the action to prep the metal? Or is there another way to prep?
I am having my rifle done as we speak I did leave the bolt 2/3 undone with just the rear done. Picking it up on Thursday I plan a article on it when finished.
Looking at your handle made me think you might like my son Brady's 1100. Yes, it's done fully inside and out except the chamber and bore. This thing lives in a very wet salty environment. The bolt face and lugs really benefit from being fully coated. It slicks them up. This is what we learned when we became certified. In one season and a couple hundred rounds it's still fully intact on the bolt.

I have a friend who had his action and barrel teflon coated. Its seems to be holding up very well. How does Teflon compare to Cerakote. I was mulling having my rifle done in one or the other. Problem is, I'm fairly hard on equipment. I've had several shotguns camo dipped. Even though its different material, I imagine many of the same wear issues would occur in the same areas. On my favorite shotgun, its chipped up around the muzzle, the trigger guard, and bolt as these are the areas that seem to impact the ground or make contact whenever I set the gun down, lay it on the passenger seat, etc. Does Teflon or Cera chip or rub through over time?
Very nice Gun. If anyone tells you to get a more reliable auto just tell them a 1100 has the record for most shots fired with out breaking or malfunctioning. I still hunt with the same 3 inch Mag 1100. I have for 35+ yrs. it is also the only shotgun I have shot 100 straight at Trap & then changed barrel & shot 100 straight in Skeet on the same day.
What other shotgun can you shoot Ducks Geese Pheasants Quail Doves & Deer by just change barrels.
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