Bending the Box


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
OK on the build I'm doing my gunsmith and long range mentor is only cambering and head spacing my barrel and fitting it to the action I'm on the hook for everything else. So I ordered a Wyatt's windowed magazine box for the BDL and I need to bend the sides in to hold the shells in place. Any easy or recommended set ups for a clean look. Sorry if this comes off as a dumb question I have just been staring at this thing for awhile and haven't been able to find anything online and Wyatt's is closed today.
Brownell's/Sinclar has a tool for that. Hang on and I'll try to find the link.
Sorry - couldn't find it. Their search engine for the site isn't very good.
The tool is a wide flat piece of metal with slots cut into each end, each slot to a different gauge of metal, that provides a good purchase over the entire length of the magazine ear for even distribution of torque.
I'll do some more checking around -------
OK - I found it:
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