Belted magnum reloading.

I've used Hornady and RCBS spray on stuff for convenience. But the Imperial Sizing wax is smoother in my opinion. Just put a dab on your forefinger and thumb and roll it onto the cases. It doesn't take much. After a few cases you'll be able to gauge how much you need.
Ken Water old book "Pet Loads" has a good description on how to bump the shoulders on belted mags. He also suggested doing a FL resize when it get stiff closing the bolt to bump the belt. But they these guys have told you it isn't any different then bumping a non belted cartridge.
Most (non small base die) fl die brands for belted mags are actually best if you close the die on the case- they square up best that way. You will have to figure out that on your own with your press and dies for your rifle, however. If in doubt, go for the easy bolt close with only a few thou. in growth per firing.
Doesn't usually take a generous amount. Most of the time, the first small application is enough for most to get the point. But when the same results are seen even after the first application....sometimes it does take more than a drop. Usually, USUALLY, the second shot gets the results if the first time doesn't do the trick.
Need to know your audience, doesn't work with everyone. Some of us, me included, will write-off anything that poster said just because of this attitude. Does. Not. Matter. If. They. Are. Correct. Or. Not. :)

The delivery is more important than the message. The guy delivers the same message in a manner that people will embrace is the guy who is going to get the credit.
@FEENIX said it perfect. Forget the belt. Use good competitor to measure bump. I never use less than .003 bump on any case I fire. Even all my target comp guns. If you set back to zero and start trying them in the rifle with the firing group removed it will have some drag. Bump a new brass back .001 and try. Keep using a new brass till you find the one that lets the bolt drop with no resistance. If you die is sizing the body correctly you will get there around .003. One of the best shooters ever at Williamsport bumps .008 and wins more than anybody I know. And has the world record to boot. Reloading manuals are very lacking in detailed info on properly setting up sizing dies. Or how to measure shoulder bump. Shep
By a good reloading book and read it twice. Some of the more technical things You will figure out as you go. Just make sure you use the correct powder. That's the main cause of gun kabooms. As far as shoulder bumping trimming bullet seating and resizing, if the bolt closes hard you have an issue somewhere, don't thump is closed and fire it. If the bolt closes ok but after firing the bolt doesn't want to open easily, within reason, there too you have a problem. Most problem are caused by not using the common sense god gave to people. Have fun with reloading, it's nice to go get away from it all and hide in the basement and just reload.
I run the ram up, screw the die down until it gently touches the shell holder, then back it off a quarter turn and lock the lock ring. Size 1 or 2 cases, remove the firing pin assembly from the bolt, and try them in the rifle. If they go in and the bolt closes easily, leave it there until the next loading, then repeat trying them in the rifle with stripped bolt. Eventually they won't go and at the point, adjust the die down in small increments until the bolt has a very light feel when closing. Lock it down and you're done.
Need to know your audience, doesn't work with everyone. Some of us, me included, will write-off anything that poster said just because of this attitude. Does. Not. Matter. If. They. Are. Correct. Or. Not. :)

The delivery is more important than the message. The guy delivers the same message in a manner that people will embrace is the guy who is going to get the credit.
This topic has been beat to death. Using the search feature, while admittedly not as easy, would have yielded numerous topics covering the information. That was also my second post in this thread, and the same question was asked again, even after others posted.

If you ask a question, listen to the answers before asking the same question again.
No problem with belts. "Partial" size the case till it just fits your chamber and it will headspace off the shoulder. Look at the groups that have been shot at 1000 yards... ever since the round was created. How much more accuracy do you need???
OP, you've gotten good advice. A set of shoulder bump gauges will help measure shoulder bump. Belted mag mojo is just that.... after the first firing, it's fit to your chamber, the belt means nothing. The case is now just like a non belted one- headspaceing off the shoulder.

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