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Behind enemy lines in CA. Need to escape. Need help

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Georgia's full of New Yorkers. We have our own plague we are dealing with.

Kemp beat Abrams by 1%. Too close for comfort...SE is the place to be IMHO.
To hear Abrams talk, she won the election ! I agree, SE is my home. No desire to test the waters anywhere else. Driveway is 1/4 mile long, surrounded by my 16 acres that starts at the end of the private driveway. They need not tread on my retreat. My 13 yr old daughter has a gag reflex when she hears the word California. Only way to keep our country is to teach our children right from wrong, or left, same thing.
A friend of mine in Wyoming, his wife says to me me, don't move to Wyoming. We don't want any out of state people here. He reminded her that they were from South Dakota . Like I said, not all people that move are liberals . I think many move to escape a liberal state.
Idaho native here.... When people say Idaho is full they are not just being jerks.
To hunt here is becoming a joke. The fish and game can now ticket you for hunting on private land without permission. (Tree huggers buying it up) That means all the land thats not fenced and looks good with a deer on it is a no go. But of course hou can dodge bullets on the public land with everyone else. (I had one go over my head last year).

All my customers last year were seattle transplants moving to north idaho. Then you drive to town and it takes an hour to get through our over congested streets.

*I literally have to hunt for a place to hunt. *I can't tell the sexual orientation of 25% of the population anymore.* I feel like a fish out of water on my own turf.

Good old days are gone... Alaska lookin good
Okay, I will just own this fact that I am a 4th gen Californian, but all generations have been Reagan style conservatives and are from rural CA. With that said, I just retired from Law enforcement and am looking for a safe semi rural place to raise my family. Gun rights are paramount, good big game hunting, and the ability to be left alone. I mind my own business, and don't ever want to turn the place i move to into California. Every state I look at, it seems they are not far from becoming blue. I lived in NV and would not even consider it now since the libs have a super majority there, with Reno and Vegas controlling the state.
I was stationed in socal for 15 years. I feel your pain and desire to flee enemy territory. I married a MT girl and moved to southwest MT 7 years ago. I would love to recommend moving here, but I can't. When we first bought our house the nearest house was half a mile away. I had three shooting ranges on the property. Now there are six houses within bow range and I've had to move my shooting ranges several times. I have leftist neighbors who call the cops every time I'm shooting, fixing fence, planting trees without their permission, or peeing in the yard. I have no covenants, no HOA and can legally do whatever I want. But the leftist who have ruined their own states with idiotic legislation, taxes, and permits, have now fled the ship they ran into the iceberg, and are set on recreating their failures here. We can't seem to vote the "D's" out of office and now even have one running for president. I understand I'm a "transplant" as well, but I moved here to become a Montanan. I've always been conservative, patriotic right. Coming from Cook County IL, and being stationed in California for 15 years I had 35 years of examples of what doesn't work, regardless of rhetoric. But those who can't learn from history are moving here, building here, then trying to ban logging and lumber mills Ironically the same timber industry that provided them the resources to build THIER homes. They have even successfully banned shooting in some public land area's so they can hug trees without hearing gunfire. And have now successfully put me out of work at the lumber mill. They have brought in out of state money to buy up lumber leases on USFS land to prevent logging it. It will just burn in a forest fire and be worthless. Just like happens in California every summer because of the same tree hugger mentality and legislation. I know I fought forest fires there for 5 years. I'm rambling but you get my point. This ideology is like any other parasite. It moves in, leaches off the host until the host withers and dies, and then the parasite moves onto it's next victim. I would not recommend southwest MT. I am stuck in a VA home loan that required me to dwell in the home for 9 years. After the house is paid off, we both might be fleeing this area for the same reasons I fled California. The parasites surround us...…..
Its been a few years since Ive posted on this site, but thought it worth replying to this one.
I feel your pain, and Ive been through similar. Im from Texas, lived in Colorado for 15 years, spent a lot of time in Wyoming, and Montana. As much as I miss Colorado, the hunting opportunities, and abundance of game, I was glad to leave. It was time to go. Wyoming would be my #1 choice if I could make a living there. There is another possibility not mentioned yet.
Ive been in Western North Dakota for 5 1/2 yrs now, and I really like it here. The Badlands are beautiful, and game rich with lots of public access all through the state. Lots of game, big game, small game, birds, and waterfowl. Excellent fishing as well. I mostly bow hunt these days, and its a challenge. Population density is low here, more traditional politics, and 2nd amendment friendly. The down side is long winters that can get pretty doggoned rough at times.
If you can deal with the winters, ND is a sportsmans paradise, with lots of opportunity, and the country folk here leave you alone. There is a mindset here that supports and promotes access, even to private land. The western part of the state has lots of forest service, as well as Eastern Montana has a lot of opportunity as well. Its very beautiful country.
Its worth consideration.
Vote for people who will support and protect your 2nd Amendment rights. I've lived in CA since 1966. I have great hope that the courts will become more conservative here in time, and most of CA's gun laws (The Roster) will be over-turned by higher courts.
Fight back.
True . You know this but some don't. There are more republicans than demomcrats in Ca. Look at the county map. It's 3/4 red. The blue are places like Los Angelos, San Fransicko, etc.. the places that make it get the electoral vote. They dems have a super majority. Until that can be changed they will continue to take away out rights and make what we have illegal . Conservatives on 9th circuit by Trump is a good start.
Pretty grim outlook guys. It is the mind control of the media that is causing this. The younger generations are the demographic that are drowned in liberal propaganda and being kept from understanding history and the world in our schools. But I know lots of fools in their 50s who also have the mental defect that is infecting the country. I'm loosing friends left and right (well not the right ones) because the liberal ones can't keep their stupid opinions to themselves. I'm from the Golden State and what has evolved disgusts me. The superficial thinking and lack of real world perspective is alarming. Facebook driveby sarcasim has replaced real debate.
I have lived in Texas for the last 3 years. The weather sucks and there's little public land, but the economy is booming. It hasn't gone blue yet but is on the verge of it. Beto almost won!! He's more of an idiot than the left thinks Trump is, but he almost won!! If California's mold of firearms restrictions happens, there could be an insurrection.
Mr. retired LEO, would your still-working buddies be part of rounding up and imprisoning otherwise law abiding American citizens who violate these laws, just for their f*ing paychecks and retirement benefits? If the answer is yes, f* them. They are part of the problem, basically acting as mercenaries for the leftists. The ones I know would not. It seems like we may be headed for civil war.
Ok I need to jump in here as well. I too am a life long conservative Californian and have thought about moving out. I am also part of the "State of Jefferson" movement (for those of you not familiar, its about representation). At some point every one of us has to stand and fight! You can run but you also see what is happening all over the west. We have a cattle ranch here (1500 acres) and the state is now requiring that we "register" our stock ponds that have been there for 100 years! Once you do that (and of course pay a fee) then they want it certified at your expense and so on. We all have skin in the game and it's past time to push back. Don't leave, STAND & FIGHT! Or our way of life is over. All you folks in purple states, you see what's coming.
Try British Columbia or Alberta. We have all those bases covered ... maybe not so much the political thing in British Columbia but at least they leave you alone. Gun rights, hunting, open spaces, safe etc.
I'm a little apprehensive as I write this. I'm a CA native(?). Well at least I was born here 67 years ago. I drove truck for almost 25 years most of it running interstate. While I've seen the US and Canada, I haven't lived there. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but I see the day of financially needing to move. It getting too expensive on a fixed income and my body is just not cooperating! Arthritis is taking me apart. BUT!!!! Our nearest town is nearly an hour away. I hunt my own place and have access to several thousand acres of private land. The front gate is nearly a mile away. Nearest neighbor about the same. My taxes are very reasonable. Cost of living can be cut if you work at it. Eat what I hunt, heat with wood and save extra money for the AC in the summer. Yep, there's cheaper places to live. I go to my buddies place in AK at least once a year. He's in Happy Valley on the Kenai peninsula. Costs there are very high. The local politics are terrible! I will probably have to move some day. Where? I have no idea. I couldn't live anywhere I couldn't pee out the front door if I wanted.
Do not run from problem! Fix it!

I've been in the fight for gun rights, hunting rights, and other conservative values. I have written so many letters to my elected officials, been to public hearings, organized resistance and such for decades. Now, I am just flat out feel defeated. I just want to live the rest of my life out in some sort of conservative valued peaceful place where I am not considered "different".
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