Some else posted the same thing some years ago but I bought a kit in 2009 and did a bedding job a few weeks ago and it set up fine.I had an opened container of Devvon 10110 go bad on me. Would never set up.
A real pain to remove and prep the stock the second time around.
I've read where others have had my experience. Some say store the opened 10110 containers in the refrigerator to increase opened shelf life.
Anyhow, that was my last time purchasing that product. I now buy the 2oz containers of Gray Marine Tex. Plenty for one bedding job. Sometimes enough for two jobs.
I have 2 new kits,maybe I should put them in the fridge as I still have some of my 13 year old Devcon left.That would tick me off to pay 50.00 per kit for 2 kits and then it go bad.