I pillar bedded mine last weekend. I used "ernie the gunsmith" pillars.
I used a felt pen with 80 grit sandpaper to open up the forend of the stock. A D size was perfect for the action area, from the recoil lug clear back to the tang.
I then wrapped tape around the end of the barrel and a cpl wraps at the tang to set the barrel into the stock at the correct height. (the tang area was sitting low originally). The tape also made sure the pillars were above any stock mtl.
I then accra glassed only the pillars in place, after drilling out the 2 holes.
I dbl checked my fit, making sure I had complete clerance and th epillers were indeed above all surrounding mtl, dremmeled the lug area for bonding surface, then accra glassed the action area and recoil lug area, as well as the first pocket in front of the lug and a little bit of epoxy at the real tang area.
I only taped the btm of the lug, all other lug surfaces were net fit. I used tape on the sides of the trigger assy to get a nice fit in the trigger area as well as to set the "barrel clocking". There is nothing else to set the rotation angle of the barrel since the lug area is oversized and the trigger assy is undersize.
Tip #1, tape the barrel just above the stock. I used KIWI wax as a release agent and it was a bich to get it off the barrel. Epoxy didn't stick but MEK barely touched the KIWI.
After I was done, I dremmeled the 2 forward pockets and put maybe 3/16" worth of accra glass in there. That stiffened up the forend and removed the ability for it to "twist". I also made sure the pillars were slightly above the stock in the btm metal area.
The action screws tighten the btm metal and barrel to the pillars, the epoxy is just a non load bearing surface around the action/lug area.
Use the handle of a hammer and smack the "slightly backed out" action screws to pop the barrel out. Beating on the end of the barrel won't do much if the lug has a net fit on all sides.
This project was "practice" so I could learn before I did my Greybull stock. Turns out the Greybull showed up the day I finished so I haven't shot the SPS stock yet.