Did you look at the action in the stock from below through the magazine as I'd recommended? It's easiest if the bottom metal is off and the magazine is out. If you see space between the action and the stock you can either a) sand out the barrel channel to float the barrel (and I suspect you'll have to take out a lot more than just the pressure pads) or b) call Bell & Carlson and exchange it for one that is made correctly.
The B&C will likely have more side-to-side play in it than a factory plastic stock. That can be improved with some bedding if you wish. It's the up-and-down that will get you as well as the front-to-back.
The B&C will likely have more side-to-side play in it than a factory plastic stock. That can be improved with some bedding if you wish. It's the up-and-down that will get you as well as the front-to-back.