beautiful wife : animal lover

I here you chian, my wife has a boston terrior in the house, and 2 dobermans that tay n the house most of the time

foo foo dog

my kinda dog
well i posted a pic of the female so my wife wanted me to post one of the male so he won't be left out
How would you like to see this sneaking into someones house
Many of the game and fish regulation books show how many deer are killed in each county ,we all know that each year hunters take a small percentage of the total deer population.

Take the number of deer that are killed and mutiply that by 5 or 10 years , she will see that in that short period of time that there would be millions of deer everywhere you look ,drive and live.
Also take into consideration that deer multiply =one doe two fawns -next year -x4-x8-x16-x32 on and on.

They would eat up everything in your yards that didn't have an 8' fence around it.
The landscape would be a desolate waste land and the deer would be starving to death -become weak and disease would set in and they would die a slow horrible death.

You wouldn't be able to drive down the road within a few years of not hunting deer.

Let the canadian timberwolves planted in yellowstone go 10 more years with no one being able to shoot one if it is killing livestock or a pet and they'll be eating children.
Or believe what you see on TV -that wolves are furry cute little lovable creatures that you can talk to .

Read the BIBLE where GOD says man shall rule in dominion [dominate] over the beast of the field and the fowl in the air.<<<--- That's good enough for me !!!!

People especially women are inundated daily by a liberal media =bunch of city slickers who's outdoor expierence is to go mountain biking or canoeing w/a bunch of pre-packed food .
They see no reason to kill and animal when there is a rancher who can raise an animal in a pen couped up its entire life just to be killed to eat.

Myself i'm a plant lover =weird i know but that's the way i feel ,a plant is a living thing that does not bother anybody -it doesn't go around stepping on deer/elk -it doesn't eat or harm them it doesn't crap or urinate or lay-down on them either !!
So where do these veggie/vegan people get the idea that they can just reach down and tear the little plants body in half and eat it with no regard to the innocent little plants life ??
It make sme sick to think about it !
A little plant swaying in the sun so happy not hurting anybody only to be torn from its roots and eaten by a person -veggie/vegan- -who says things like plants don't have eyes and hearts ,they make me sick with their killing !!
There are so many things they could eat -cow deer crow elk -but no they prefer to ruthlessly kill the innocent.SAD SAD SAD..
Mine was the same way when I met her. She had never had wild game and took her a couple of years to try it. It slowly grew on her I think. Then when I moved to Idaho and I started hunting 8 months out of the year she started to want to go with me since she didnt see me much. Hunting and work only allowed me to sleep at home. Last year she started hunting taking her first animal. She took a nice 45 inch Shiras moose. She finally said she understood why I loved it so much. I dont think she had ever really had an adrenilin rush before or been so excited. Now I need to find out how to keep her home once in a while!

Moma inlaw was 100% against killing or eating any wild game but my wife fed her lots of it in dishes and she never knew wht it was. She really loved it! I could barely keep a straight face.
Ol Mike maybe we should start some kind of picket about veggies eating plants, and that soy meat crap.

Yeah Mike we should start a web-site -bashing all the veggie/vegans and point out what ruthless killers they are..
We'll ask for donations and all the money will go towards keeping deer and elk populations in check.

I'll have some pictures of me eating and elk steak w/blood dripping off my chin.

Put the signs on a garden hoe and chant- plant killer
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I dont think words alone could convince

Is their another life long hunter out there that has a wife that is an animal lover. She just doesn't understand how i can go out and kill innocent animals(she is also a veggie). I just can't make her understand that we are actually helping these animals through management by hunting. Has anyone else had to go through this and how did you make them understand. She doesn't give me any crap over it or try to stop me from hunting, she just wants to understand why men are so passionate about hunting. any advice to help me make her understand.

or persuade her .

There are many things you could try in your effort to help her understand . Time spent in the wild together , watching what goes on there and so on .

Even so , there is another way to consider this ,

You are you , and she is she . Since you have shared that she is not really against what you do and is even willing to cook you food that is not what she would eat it seems that you have been given a blessed situation .

She doesn't have to be what your way is , and you don't have to be what her way is . Mutual understanding and acceptance of what the differences between you two are and ......... the acceptance of those diffs is a million milles ahead of the majority of the planet .

I speak to myself when I say that I encourage you to not get trapped in a mindset that finds it necessary to make your spouse a carbon copy of yourself in order to have a successful and satisfying marriage .

I have been married for 35 years , just now getting started on the right way to do this .

Hope you understand that I am on your side ,

Jim B.
When my wife first asked about my obsession, I went out and bought a two person stand.

She brings a camera.

I consider it quality time, even if I don't shoot. She must enjoy it too, considering she's willing to get up at zero-dark-thirty to accompany me.

Albeit she's not against hunting, she just couldn't understand my "OBSESSION" as she puts it.
animal lover

Mike bob

You could try the conservation method as was discribed earlier.
( money from hunting has saved many species ).

Or the ancestral approach ( We are born with the instinct to hunt .
just like birds are born to fly ).

Or the one I like is,The quality of the meat is so much better
because wild animals dont take steroids or anything that is not
natural and is kept clean during processing.( unlike chickens,
pigs, cows and other food products including vegetables.)

But the main reason is " I Didn't claw my way to the top of the
food chain to eat vegetables "

Good luck on your quest for understanding
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