I collected my first squirrel at age 8, had been dispatching birds with a bb-gun for a couple years prior to that (got my *** beat alot but did it anyway) I am driven to hunt, can't explain it, can't help it but I must go when that little voice on the inside says "well ya think its time to go?" I don't have shoot anything but I must be there, If I need to go and don't, nobody wants to be around me.
Besides that, hunting in our civilized world does help the game, to havest a few will help the many, too much game leaves it suseptable to disease, starvation and whatever, and as nature goes, the more that you take out, the more will be replaced, I remember when it was a major accomplishment here in wv if a sow bear went into fall and still had a cub with her, now through the efforts of hunters, taking out rogue males that kill cubs when they can, on occasion you see a sow with not 2, not 3, but 4 cubs in tow during squirrel season, deer populations are beyond carrying capacity, small game and turkeys are more abundant than ever, and its been the efforts of hunters and our dollars that have brought this about, so is it better to harvest part of the deer population or to see the rotting carcasses as a result of hemorragic disease from overpopulation?