Has anybody ever tried to quickly draw from a holster and rapid fire (with a heavy+long double action trigger pull) a powerful handgun?
I'm not talking about a 454 Casull or 460 Mag or 500 Mag even. Something reasonable like a 44 Mag.
I shoot some IDPA and local 3 Gun stuff. So I'm not unpracticed with shooting a handgun quickly.
I am also a fairly decent long'ish range handgun shot. I practice at 50 yards free hand a few times a year.
In the real world you would not be mentally prepared 100% of the time to draw and fire. But even in a range environment when we were already mentally prepared to draw and fire quickly, everyone that tried that day with the 44 Mag just honestly sucked.
Shooting at a silhouette sized target at a mere 10 yards, you will be surprised how often you miss. You would be surprised how often you can miss at 5 yards even. And our target wasn't moving... And we knew where to point and aim beforehand... And again, we were already mentally prepared to draw and fire quickly.
You may say that a bear is larger than a silhouette sized target. But you would still need decent shot placement to stop a big grizzly.
After all of that rambling I guess what I'm trying to point out is I bet we all suck much more than we give ourselves credit for in regards to shooting a powerful double action revolver quickly.
I don't live in grizzly country but if I did I would probably find the best deal I could on a no frills but reliable double barrel rifle in like 458 Win Mag or something and then do the paperwork to SBR it. It wouldn't weigh anymore than a magnum revolver and at least then you would have a shoulder fired rifle in a serious cartridge. You could probably even get it to fit into a holster for one of those Rossi Ranch Hands.
Edit: ****!t, now I'm thinking about another firearm I don't really need.