Bear country pistol

How many of y'all have actually used a handgun on a bear? Theres 10 pages of pure theory and assumption in this thread, with maybe 3 posts that have actual experience. A lot of regurgitation of oft quoted lines, a lot of "I've never felt undergunned carrying _____" with no justification for it.

I've been in the same boat, and packed a 329pd for years with 305 gr bear loads thinking "this is more than I'll ever need!" while archery hunting deer in northern Idaho. But, that choice was based on how heavy of a gun I wanted to carry and how much recoil I could handle. It had zero to do with what would actually work on a bear.
I hope I never have to. Last Oct. when buddy and I watched the griz for half hr. covering carcass, I have pics of him doing it also , then walk away down the canyon out of sight it gave us the creeps. Buddy moved over by my so he could glass and watch behind me. Sure enough a little later my buddy says there he is. The griz was coming down opposite ridge about 100 yds. away. I'm trying to shorten this story. Sorry. He came down to Creek bottom and started to walk towards us. We were about 20 yds above. He lifted leg and peed. Walked towards us. Stopped directly below us and looked up towards us. That's when I set phone down with left hand and picked up bear spray. I already had pistol in right had. I was sitting down. Buddy was standing up behind dead tree next to me with pistol in one hand and videoing with phone in other for proof if we got attacked. The griz stould there for about 10 seconds. Walked over to Creek and got a drink then walked on down the creek bottom about 100 yds.. We couldn't see around the bend so we both should there hoping he didn't come up top to where we were. I picked up a palm sized rock and said to buddy if I see him I'm throwing rock his way first. If he takes off good. If he comes our way I'm shooting at ground by him. If he runs toward us I'm unloading with spray and bullets. He had a rock and pistol ready. After a couple minutes we saw the bear on other side of bend going down the trail. I said to my buddy and best friend, hold out your hand. It was shaking as much as mine. Twice I thought a real possibility we were going to have to shoot and we were going to be one of those guy's you read about. First when he was right below us looking up towards us at 24 yds., I ranged after. And second time when he went out of sight for a couple minutes. I'm very thankful nothing happend. I'm pretty sure if he charged up hill to us we would of gotten a few rounds off... Sorry for long story. Not much story on grizz on our elk carcasses. He dined on them for a week. Saw griz on it week after shot . We were in truck watched. Week latter checked out kill sites. Saw were he bedded by carcass. Grass patch by sage was flattened down. Took pics of both sights and got out of there. Yes I had 10mm and bear spray. In 11/22 we went back to our cow elk kill sites also but month later. Just bones and hide.
A F&G warden here years ago shot a grizzly when they released it and it pulled cage out of truck.He was literally sitting on bear, killed it with 357.I probably know more guys attacked by cats than grizzly.One guy shot cat right off his back, almost shot his own head off.The personal ones I know had rifles, one few years back on RM front, my BIL,nefew,shot that grizzly with 06'. Ive had multiple bluff charges, Ive also laid lead right between there feet and had them leave and come back with there teeth a popping and swatting ground.THATS when I walk out backwards!
How many of y'all have actually used a handgun on a bear? Theres 10 pages of pure theory and assumption in this thread, with maybe 3 posts that have actual experience. A lot of regurgitation of oft quoted lines, a lot of "I've never felt undergunned carrying _____" with no justification for it.

I've been in the same boat, and packed a 329pd for years with 305 gr bear loads thinking "this is more than I'll ever need!" while archery hunting deer in northern Idaho. But, that choice was based on how heavy of a gun I wanted to carry and how much recoil I could handle. It had zero to do with what would actually work on a bear.

Only one bear….a smallish black! The 44 Mag with 265 grain cast was more than enough. But… was a small bear, it was clueless as to my presence (I'm a stealthy son of a gun😜), and I was under only minimal stress!

That said, I still think a large bore cartridge (preferably a 45 LC, .454, 460, or larger) with wide metplat bullets of at least 360 grains, at at least 1100 mv… far superior to smaller handgun cartridges/calibers! Capacity be "darned"! 😉 memtb
I've seen rifles used, but never a pistol. Keep in mind most my experience is problem Bears in the village and an occasional one shot trying to push us off a kill. I'm sure they get used, seems like every few years another report of a pistol defense occurs. Within a few weeks it's very hard to tell fact from fiction, and the urban legend lives on in grainy pictures hung in gun shops and internet threads. My flow chart is rifle>shotgun>handgun>spray>, 10mm for the pistol but think anything is going to be better than chucking rocks so am ambivalent in what's best.

Come to think of it, can only think of one bear fatality in my areas villages and that was three villages over in the late 90s. We did have a school teacher get killed by wolves out for a jog about ten years ago. Seem to remember much more problem Bears in the late 90s early 2000s.
Some of you have significant experience in bear country. I respect those that have traveled deep into these areas to fish or hunt. Those that venture into these areas must accept the risks and turn their awareness sensors to the highest level. When the bear claims your harvest it's best to remember where you stand in the food chain.
A F&G warden here years ago shot a grizzly when they released it and it pulled cage out of truck.He was literally sitting on bear, killed it with 357

That was a well documented case. And, some folks win the big lotteries…..also well documented.

I ain't one of those people! 😜 And…..some folks are just "bada$$e$"! 😂. memtb

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Some of you have significant experience in bear country. I respect those that have traveled deep into these areas to fish or hunt. Those that venture into these areas must accept the risks and turn their awareness sensors to the highest level. When the bear claims your harvest it's best to remember where you stand in the food chain.
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Good YNP pic, love those long clawed buggers
A F&G warden here years ago shot a grizzly when they released it and it pulled cage out of truck.He was literally sitting on bear, killed it with 357.I probably know more guys attacked by cats than grizzly.One guy shot cat right off his back, almost shot his own head off.The personal ones I know had rifles, one few years back on RM front, my BIL,nefew,shot that grizzly with 06'. Ive had multiple bluff charges, Ive also laid lead right between there feet and had them leave and come back with there teeth a popping and swatting ground.THATS when I walk out backwards!
Mtn. Lions almost always attack from behind. I knew a guy who raised mtn. lions and trained big cats for movies. He had a BIG Tom he got from Canadian G&F. It was too mean. Would tear up his felion's. He was also a taxidermist. He killed it and did a life size mount. He had a half grown female that was declawed. Real friendly. He always told me never turn your back on a cat. I was playing with it and it just walked away from me. So I turned around to walk away and it was on my back with my neck in its mouth in 2 seconds. It didn't bite hard and I turned and threw of my back. Buddy was peed off. Yelling, I told you dammit ! He threw her into its chain link enclosure. I felt bad for her. I walked over to chain link and had my hand close to it. That half grown female with 2 toes was strong enough to pull my hand up to the cage like nothing. Freaked me out. I can imagine how strong a full grown Tom can be. They can take down a bull elk. A human is nothing.
Yes I cat hunted for years, pulled dogs out of there mouths and beat on there heads with largest club handy.Exciting times back then. My best bud , twice stalked, my son and myself. Ive had grizzly give me the trail walking in dark with fresh snow, a few times.Cats make me more nervous because they are usually silent.Ive had most bears warn me.
I'm interested in the naysayers in this thread. How many of the naysayers here have actually hunted in Griz land? I've hunted many years on the south end of the Bob Marshall wilderness. When you cut a fresh Griz track, it humbles you real fast.
what is a naysayer in this context?